Agenda and minutes

Audit Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 24th August, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4XX. View directions


No. Item


Election of Chair

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It was proposed by Councillor Rollason and seconded by Councillor Colclough that Councillor Morgan be elected as Chair of the Audit Scrutiny Committee 2021-2022




That Councillor Morgan be elected Chair of Audit Scrutiny Committee.


Election of Deputy Chair

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It was proposed by Councillor Morgan and seconded by Councillor H Cox that Councillor Rollason be elected as Deputy Chair of the Audit Scrutiny Committee 2021-2022.




That Councillor Rollason be elected as Deputy Chair of Audit Scrutiny Committee.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 105 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on


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The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


External Audit Plan pdf icon PDF 6 MB

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The representative from Grant Thornton presented the report. She discussed how the way the audit was conducted had changed as well as the impact of Covid-19.


In response to a question, the representative explained that audit fees had increased as a result of the auditing changes.




That the External Audit Plan be noted.


Strategic and Corporate Risk Report pdf icon PDF 296 KB

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The Performance and Data Analyst presented the report. He informed the councillors about risks and risk litigation.


Comments from Councillors included

·         Councillors are grouped together as a risk rather than being separate

·         Some officers have a considerable amount of projects to work on simultaneously

·         Large number of high risks, including struggles to recruit staff


In response, the Chief Financial Officer commented on officer projects being monitored, Councillor risk being based on number of complaints received, and the smaller staff turnover.


It was proposed by Councillor Morgan and seconded by Councillor Rollason that the report be noted.




That the Committee note the actions being taken to reduce risks to the achievement of the council’s objectives.


Internal Audit Annual Report 2021-2022 pdf icon PDF 848 KB

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The Audit Manager presented the report. She informed the committee on the Auditing work that had been carried out internally. She also discussed DEFRA, the fraud risk analysis, and told the committee that the risk report had been satisfactory.


It was proposed by Councillor Morgan and seconded by Councillor Rollason that the report be noted.




That the Internal Audit Annual Report 2021-2022 be noted.


Ombudsman Annual Report pdf icon PDF 124 KB

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The Audit Manager presented the report. 17 complaints had been made and 3 had been upheld. This was similar to neighbouring authorities. She also stated that satisfaction with working during Covid had been acceptable.


In response to a question on if the number of complaints had risen, the Audit Manager responded that she would respond later with more information.




That the Ombudsman Annual Report be noted.



Annual Governance Statement pdf icon PDF 346 KB

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The Audit Manager presented the report to the committee. She noted that legal cases, assurance statements and reports had all contributed to the statement. She also discussed the move to digital working during the Covid-19 pandemic. She also stated that governance is fit for purpose and outlined challenges.


It was proposed by Councillor Morgan and seconded by Councillor Rollason that the Committee recommends to Full Council that the Annual Governance Statement be approved.




The Audit Scrutiny Committee recommends to Council that the Annual Governance Statement is approved.


Draft Final Accounts and Treasury Management pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Additional documents:


The Chief Financial Officer presented the Draft Final Accounts and Treasury Management. He informed the committee that the accounts had been posted on 30 July.


It was proposed by Councillor Morgan and seconded by Councillor Rollason that the three recommendations be noted.




The the Committee note:

(1) That the draft statement of accounts for 2020/21 have been published

(2) The current authorised lending list at appendix 1

(3) The draft treasury management results for 2020/21 at appendix 2



Internal Audit Plan and Charter 2021-2022 pdf icon PDF 544 KB

Additional documents:


The Audit Manager updated the Committee on the internal audit plan and charter. This included data equality and performance monitoring.


It was proposed by Councillor Morgan and seconded by Councillor Colclough that the Internal Audit Plan and Charter 2021-2022 be noted.




That the Internal Audit Plan and Charter 2021-2022 be noted.