Issue - meetings

Rising sea levels

Meeting: 22/09/2020 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 (until May 2024) (Item 6)

6 Sea Level Rise and Shoreline Management Planning (Members of Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 are invited to attend for this item) pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Presentation by the Coastal Officer.

Additional documents:


The Coastal Officer gave a presentation to the Committee – see attached to minutes. Members from Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 were invited to attend. In response to questions the Coastal Officer advised the Committee that the Council led South Devon and Dorset Coastal Authorities Group is funded through a contribution process for all coastal Local Authorities (currently £750.p.a.) in combination with national funding, and that the Council led Regional Monitoring Programme and Shoreline Management Processes are funded through national grant mechanisms.


The Committee agreed to note the report.