Agenda item

TEIGNMOUTH - 18/01406/MAJ - Neilston Retirement Hotel, 47 Woodway Road - Demolition of existing vacant care facility and construction of 10 new two and three bed


The Committee was referred to the viability appraisal recommending £37,500 contribution towards off site affordable housing. The Council’s Enabling Officer had confirmed that this was appropriate amount in this instance. The Town Council had commented on the design, and one further representation of objection had been received.


Public speaker, supporter – the development would be unviable and would be undeliverable if required to contribute more than the amount submitted in the viability appraisal.


It was proposed by Councillor Prowse, and seconded by Councillor Bullivant that the application be approved as set out in the report circulated with the agenda.


An amendment was proposed by Councillor J Hook that £50,000 be requested for affordable housing. This was seconded by Councillor Keeling.


The Business Manager advised that the application and amount of affordable housing contribution is in accordance with NPPF and Planning Policy Guidance. The viability assessment has been undertaken by a professional expert and the recommendation is clear.


The Council’s Solicitor reiterated that the application is policy compliant and the conclusion of the independent viability assessment is clear.


A vote on the amendment as set out above was taken and lost by 3 votes for and 14 against. A vote on the proposal was taken and carried.




Subject to: the completion of a Section 106 agreement for an Affordable Housing contribution of £37,500 and a Habitat Regulations contribution of £8,000,

Permission be granted subject to the following conditions:

1. Standard 3 year time limit for commencement of development;

2. In accordance with approved plans;

3. Construction Management Plan to be agreed prior to development commencing;

4. Results of percolation test in accordance with BRE Digest 365 Soakaway Design to be agreed prior to development commencing;

5. Detailed design of surface water drainage management system to be agreed prior to development commencing;

6. Details of exceedance pathways and overland flow routes for rainfall in excess of the design standard of the proposed surface water drainage management system to be agreed prior to development commencing;

7. The works, including demolition and site clearance, shall proceed in strict accordance with the precautions and measures described in the preliminary ecological appraisal report and mitigation and enhancement measures shall be provided as described in this report;

8. Details of location and design of 10 bird boxes and 2 bat boxes to be agreed prior to development above damp proof course;

9. Prior to first use, samples or details of the materials to be used on the external surfaces of the buildings to be submitted and approved;

10. Parking facilities to be provided prior to initial occupation and thereafter be permanently retained;

11. Detailed design of cycle storage to be approved and to be provided prior to initial occupation and thereafter maintained and retained;

12. Detailed design for refuse and recycling storage to be approved and for such storage only within approved bin storage areas and to be provided prior to initial occupation and thereafter retained;

13. Prior to first occupation full details of hard and soft landscaping works and an implementation and management plan to be submitted and approved and implemented in accordance with approved details. Details to include soft landscaping along the southern and western boundaries of the site;



14. Boundary treatment to be installed prior to initial occupation and thereafter permanently maintained and retained;

15. The installation of the obscurely glazed, top-hung windows within the west elevation to a minimum of level 3 obscured glazing prior to first occupation;

16. The installation of the obscurely glazed privacy screens to the balconies, as shown within the proposed west elevation, to a minimum of level 3 obscured glazing prior to first occupation.


(14 votes for and 3 against)

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