Agenda item

Council Strategy T10 performance indicator targets and the Q1 2017-18 Council Strategy Performance Report


Consideration was given to a report which provided performance data for Quarter 1 (1 April to 30 June 2017) on the Teignbridge Ten (T10) programmes.  Each T10 project had actions with performance indicators and/or projects which monitored their progress against targets and milestones. 


Members attention was drawn to the following error:

·       Page 9, Clean Scene, paragraph 5 Q1 87.2kg per household should read 91.3kg per household, this figure meant the indicator was still on target, but not ahead of target.


Programme overviews would be provided at each of the quarterly performance meetings, detail of the proposed timetable would be provided in the Members’ Newsletter. 


The Business Manager for Housing provided detail of ‘ roof over our heads’ T10 programme, which aimed to provide more, and improved, homes.  It was noted that many performance indicators were ahead of target.  Challenges facing the Council related to older persons housing and universal credit.  Members were reminded of the annual Housing Strategy review which would be held on the 28 November 2017.


The Council’s Principal Growth Point Officer provided an overview of projects being delivered within the district for the ‘moving up a gear’ T10 programme, these included: the widening of the A382 and A383, park and change facilities, challenges with network rail and the proposed station at Marsh Barton.


Consideration was then given to the report which provided detail on actions being taken to rectify performance, during discussion, particular reference was made to:-


(a)       Trend for residual waste per household.  A suggestion that the report should provide the figure for the corresponding quarter which would provide clarity on and allow for seasonal variations;


(b)       CSCLS 5.5 – Update Recycling Plan.  The delay to this review would enable officers to assess the 3 weekly residual waste collections by neighbouring authorities in terms of customer satisfaction and performance.  Further, the over-arching strategy document for Devon was being refreshed which would influence the Council’s Plan.


(c)        CSCLS 5.1 – Household Waste Recycled and Composted.  In response to concern regarding this figure Members were advised that Teignbridge was the highest in Devon, suggesting it was inappropriate to compare previous figures with the current service as the Council collected garden waste separately as a paid service, and it was difficult to compare against current targets;


(d)       GSGTT 4.2 – Peripatetic Town Centre Manager.  The Leader advised that there was current no budget for this post he hoped the current budget round would secure funding;


(e)       Recycling Rates – it was requested that officers bring a report on recycling rates to a future meeting of the Committee;


(f)         CSGP 3.3 – Solar Photovoltaic Developments in the Landscape, Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPD).  It was agreed that the officer would be asked to inform Members when SPD consultation is published, to enable Members to contribute.


(g)       CSHAH 1.7 – Smoke Free Play Parks.  A Member questioned whether there were any bye-laws to support this policy.  It was agreed information would be provided in the Members’ Newsletter;


(h)       CSIIP 8.1 – Improved broadband provision.  Noting the investment provided by the Council, it was agreed an update would be provided by the Portfolio Holder in the Members’ Newsletter.


(i)          SC15.1 Encouraging networking -  Members were not aware of the Buckland Hub digital project and requested information be provided via the Newsletter;


(j)         CSSC 1.1 – Encourage Councillors to help develop and deliver local ideas.  Members requested further information on the heritage forum, this would be provided outside of the meeting.


(k)  ZH 5.2 - Examine the potential for electric car charging points.  A request that more information be provided via the Newsletter. 




To note the actions being taken to rectify performance.