Agenda item

EXMINSTER - 15/01331/MAJ - Land off Chudleigh Road, Alphington.

Hybrid application comprising: Full application for conversion of the existing threshing barn and associated linhay to form three dwellings and erection of 16 new dwellings with associated landscaping and access; Outline application for dwellings with open space and infrastructure works (approval sought for access).










The Committee recalled that the site was inspected previously. An additional representation has been received from the Applicant in relation to an issue raised by Bovis Developments, regarding the SW Exeter development area as a whole. A representation has also been submitted by a resident of Shillingford Abbot raising concern about the proposed access at Waybrook Lane. 


Public Speaker: Supporter – Negotiations on the application had been continuing for the past 5 years. 222 dwellings would be developed, the Hay Barns retained and converted to dwellings, Waybrook Cottages retained, and  affordable housing and gypsy and traveller pitches provided. Section 106 and CIL contributions amounted to some £20,000 per dwelling. It would be a quality designed site, sensitive to the surrounding environment. Increased costs and site specific issues have taken time to agree.


In response to Members concerns relating to the delivery of community infrastructure for the entire SW Exeter area, the Principal Planning Officer advised on the area granted planning permission in January 2017 to Bovis  which would provide primary and secondary education, health provision, in- door sports and community space, community centre. This was in accordance with the Framework Plan for the SW Exeter area approved in 2014.


Other comments raised by Members of the Committee included: affordable housing percentage of 16% and lack of District Heating with no Carbon Reduction Plan is disappointing; sustainable travel modes such as construction of the bridge for the greater SW Exeter area, cycle and pedestrian links and bus transport should be in place before occupation of dwellings; progression of funds to develop the Marsh Barton railway station; broadband provision; loss of trees; and capability and capacity of foul and surface water drainage systems to cope with the new development.


In response the Committee was advised that: carbon reduction plans are largely under the auspices of Building Regulations and developers either have to have measures in place or be linked to a district heating scheme; a temporary  “safe crossing” across the A379 will be constructed until the permanent bridge crossing is completed; some trees would be lost at the access point, however trees in the middle of the site would be retained; broadband facilities are part of the remit for the SW Exeter Infrastructure Delivery Officer but less a planning matter; public transport services were already within a reasonable walking distance from the site; this Council and Devon County Council have funds committed to Marsh Barton Railway station; and foul and surface water drainage requirements would be agreed with SW Water.


It was proposed by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Haines and




Permission be granted subject to:


A) The completion of a Section 106 agreement within 9 months of the date of this Committee to provide:


1. Affordable Housing in line with the recommendations of the viability report split 6 Affordable Rent: 30 Shared Ownership (16%) (to be reviewed on receipt of any significant public or other funding in relation to any aspect of the scheme and received prior to commencement of development excluding the detailed phase).

2. A minimum of 6 Custom Build Dwelling plots.

3. A scheme for provision of 1 Gypsy and Traveller Pitch.

4. Provision of District Heating – if public sector or other funding for infrastructure is guaranteed prior to development commencing and subject to further viability review. (Applicant to work with the Council to secure such funding).

5. Provision of financial contribution to highway works at a maximum of around £4,740 per dwelling (precise amount to be agreed with Devon County Council).

6. Financial contribution for Community Building at total cost of £2,000 per


7. Financial contribution for Health provision at total cost of £400 per


8. Travel planning and packs including £300 voucher per dwelling.

9. Exe Estuary SPA mitigation contributions at £96 per dwelling.

10.Resident Information packs containing travel planning information, pedestrian and cycle links, active recreation opportunities and useful contacts to mitigate travel impacts and assist with habit-forming in relation to the Exe Estuary.

11.Play provision and management.

12.Green space provision and management.

If, as a result of further information, new viability or changes to government policy these provisions need to be amended, the Business Manager – Strategic Place will consult with Ward Members the Chairman of Planning Committee and Exminster Parish Council before exercising delegated powers.


B) The completion of Agreement(s) in relation to SANGS provision.


C) Planning conditions to address the following matters and issues – the precise number and form to be agreed by the Business Manager – Strategic Place in consultation with Ward Members and the Chairman of Planning Committee:

Time Limits

a. Development shall commence on the full planning permission phase within 2 years of the date of this permission

b. Prior to commencement of any other phase, reserved matters approval for

that phase shall be sought.

c. Reserved Matters approval shall be sought within 2 years of the date of this

permission for all phases except any self/custom build dwelling.

d. Reserved Matters approval for each custom build dwelling shall be sought

within 5 years.

e. Development shall commence within one year of receiving Reserved Matters approval.


Whole Site

a. The development shall be a phased planning permission.

b. Approved plans and documents for whole site including outline phases.

c. Tree constraints and protection plans and details for each phase.

d. Landscape and Ecology Management Plan (LEMP) including mitigation

included in Environmental Statement.

e. Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), Environmental

Management Plan (EMP), including noise, air quality and traffic. Phased.

f. Construction access strategy and phasing including for occupants.

g. Noise/air quality protection including for occupants, phased.

h. Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDs), provision, management, etc.,

including during construction and design for biodiversity, phased and


i. Biodiversity protection mitigation and enhancement.

j. Foul sewerage survey and provision.

k. Public art.

l. Lighting strategy - phased.

m. Watercourse pollution prevention during both construction and operation -


n. Contaminated land investigation - Soil sampling - phased.

o. Access strategy including dedication of land to highways, detailed highway

design, safe access to bus stops, implementation of highway works, including footways and cycle ways, in accordance with an agreed phasing scheme, the site access and visibility splays shall be constructed, laid out and maintained for that purpose.

p. No development shall take place until a waste audit statement has been

provided, and approved, phased.


Full planning permission

1. Development to proceed in accordance with approved plans.

2. Replacement bat roost details prior to commencement.

3. Sparrow nest box details prior to commencement.

4. Samples of materials prior to use.

5. Architectural details prior to construction.

6. Parking provision prior to occupation.

7. Boundary treatment details prior to installation.

8. Treatment of retaining structures prior to relevant works.

9. Landscape details and delivery and management.

10.Removal of Permitted Development (from barns).

 (17 votes for and 2 against)


Supporting documents: