Agenda item

BAME Notice of Motion referred from Council 28 July 2020

Annual Council 28 July 2020 resolved the Notice of Motion on equality of representation in the Teignbridge District presented by Cllr Jeffries (as per the above link).


The resolved motion covers the following areas of work in which there are two principal categories of work (a) work which the Council can undertake itself and (b) work particularly child and adult education which the Council should undertake with Devon County Council as detailed below. The Audit Scrutiny Committee resolved on 26 August 2020 to deal with category (a) by the setting up of a review. The Overview & Scrutiny Committees are asked to consider and recommend to Executive and how they would like to take forward the resolutions (b) from Council.


(a)           Review of the Governance of the Council which will comprise:

                                I.            A review of the Council’s own HR and Equalities practices (including provision for member and officer training)

                              II.            The Council setting up an advisory board to consider BAME within the context an EIA for Covid 19

                            III.            A review of the Councillor Community Fund criteria to promote projects which address inequalities and raising educational attainment within underrepresented groups.


(b)  [The Council to] Work with Devon County Council (DCC) to explore the prospect of making changes the curriculum to include BAME experiences, contributions, and the FACTs of History, throughout the year:-


[The Council to] Explore the possibility of an education transformation project in conjunction with schools that creates a suite of curriculum resources specific to Teignbridge’s History:-


[The Council to] Lobby Government to invest and resource changes to the curriculum across the UK through the support of organisations such as The Black Curriculum and via associated campaigns:-


[The Council to] In partnership with DCC, [to] conduct a review of street names and monuments within Teignbridge to assess where information plaques relevant to uncovering the history of Imperialism and links to slavery can be put in place as soon as possible.


Councillor Jefferies gave an update on her Notice of Motion (NOM) detailed in the agenda. The NOM was considered by the Audit Scrutiny Committee which set up a Review Group to look at section (a) of the NOM. Section (b) was pertinent to the OS Committees as follows:


(b)  [The Council to] Work with Devon County Council (DCC) to explore the prospect of making changes the curriculum to include BAME experiences, contributions, and the FACTs of History, throughout the year:-


[The Council to] Explore the possibility of an education transformation project in conjunction with schools that creates a suite of curriculum resources specific to Teignbridge’s History:-


[The Council to] Lobby Government to invest and resource changes to the curriculum across the UK through the support of organisations such as The Black Curriculum and via associated campaigns:-


[The Council to] In partnership with DCC, [to] conduct a review of street names and monuments within Teignbridge to assess where information plaques relevant to uncovering the history of Imperialism and links to slavery can be put in place as soon as possible.


DCC had put forward its own NOM and this Council could work with the County. In relation to paragraph two regarding an education transformation project in conjunction with schools she had moved this forward with the use of her community fund. Students at Winchester University had published books about local history and would work in partnership with the Council. Teignmouth Community School was also involved with this project.


The Committee would be able to assist in regard to the third paragraph to

lobby Government to invest and resource changes to the curriculum across the UK, by supporting the most relevant campaigns.


In regard to in partnership with DCC, [to] conduct a review of street names and monuments within Teignbridge, historical links should be identified and residents encouraged to reflect on the issue when using roads and parks with names linked to BAME, and suggested projects such as history walks. She did not wish the Council to rename streets, roads and areas.


Comments made by Committee members included that education was key to transforming behaviours and prejudices, and that recently released figures from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s ethnicity audit revealed that a black person was twelve times more likely to be stopped by the Police.


It was proposed that the Police and Crime Commissioner be requested to disclose further figures from the ethnicity audit for the last four years on how more likely a black person was stopped by the Police.


It was also proposed that a spotlight review group be set up consisting of three members from this group, and OS2 Committee be invited to also appoint three members to the group. This was seconded and a roll call was taken as follows:


For the proposal: Chair, Vice Chair and Cllrs Clarance, D Cox, Eden, Foden, Gribble, Hocking, Mullone, Nutley and Rollason - Total 11 - unanimous


The above proposal regarding figures form the Police and Crime Commissioner was seconded and a roll call was taken as follows:


For the proposal: Chair, Vice Chair and Cllrs Clarance, D Cox, Eden, Foden, Gribble, Hocking, Mullone, Nutley and Rollason - Total 11 - unanimous



1.  A spotlight review group be set up consisting of three members from this group, and the OS2 Committee be invited to also appoint three members to the group. The Members from this Committee being Councillors H Cox, Eden, and Jenks.

2.  The Police and Crime Commissioner be requested to disclose further figures from the ethnicity audit for the last four years of how many more times a black person was likely to be stopped by the Police.