Agenda item

NEWTON ABBOT - 17/02338/VAR - Coombeshead Academy, Coombeshead Road - Variation of condition, 2 on planning permission 15/00467/FUL to allow new lighting scheme


The receipt of a further two representations of objection and one of support was noted, but which raised no new planning issues.


Public speaker, objector – The lights cause overbearing glare to neighbours gardens and properties, and for road users; the nearest neighbour is 20 metres away; the lights are not hooded; the noise from the use of the pitch is also disturbing with shouting and swearing, resulting in children being moved from bedrooms to avoid the disturbance; the acoustic fence makes no difference; use of the pitch should be restricted until 1900hrs; and the site is too close to the main road and neighbouring properties.


Public speaker, supporter – The school and a light engineer have been working with the Environmental Health Officer to resolve the lighting glare for road users and residents; the pitch is a much used and welcomed community facility bringing a health and wellbeing benefit; Devon Football Association advises that there is a shortage of pitches in the area; additional acoustic bunds and fences have been erected and an acoustic report has been submitted to evidence the benefit of these works.


Comments raised by Members included: permission for the lights was approved on condition that both noise and light issues were addressed; 10  metre instead of 12 metre lighting columns were erected resulting in light glare to neighbouring properties and the road, and across to Wolborough Hill; bad language emanating from the pitch is also a problem for neighbours; the lights do not have front facing shields and should be taller; and the pitch should not be used beyond 1900hrs until the situation is addressed.


The Business Manager advised that complaints had been received about the lights and the noise, which were not entirely related because the floodlights were only required in the autumn/winter months. Environmental Health has monitored the noise and a statutory nuisance has not been demonstrated. However the glare from the lights is a problem. The proposal would address the situation and the school has voluntarily reduced the hours of use until the works to address the light glare has been undertaken.


In response to comments regarding possible enforcement action the Business Manager advised that refusing the application or taking enforcement action would not be the best way to address the impact on neighbouring properties. He reiterated that the proposal would address the situation and the school has voluntarily reduced the hours of use until the works to address the light glare have been undertaken. There is a breach of the original conditions but the current application rectifies the situation.


It was proposed by Councillor Bullivant, seconded by Councillor Hook (was Brodie) and




Permission be granted subject to the following conditions:

1. Development to proceed in accordance with the approved plans.

2. Prior to the hereby approved lights first being brought into use after 19:00 hours the lights shall be fully inspected by a competent lighting engineer and a report provided to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The report shall confirm that the lighting Lux levels as set out in hereby approved drawing number HLS00565/REV15 have been met and provide detailing of the rear cowls that have been fitted to each lamp to restrict glare. The lights and associated fittings shall be retained in accordance with the approved details in perpetuity. Following approval the lights shall be used in accordance with the approved hours set out in Condition 4 of this planning decision notice.

3. The lighting system shall be automatically controlled with an automatic timer which turns the lighting system off outside of the operational hours. This shall be fitted prior to the new lights being first brought into use.

4. The lighting system shall only be used between the following hours:

Monday-Friday 08:00-21:00, Saturday 09:00-18:00, Sundays 09.00-13.00 and

not at all on Bank Holidays.

5.  The lights to be used only when the pitch is in use.

(16 votes for, 0 against and 1 not voted)

Supporting documents: