Agenda item

Future High Street Fund - Newton Abbot Market


The Executive Member for Economy and Jobs proposed the recommendation with an additional recommendation ‘that the Council continues to engage and consult with regard to the design and considers the needs of the market and cultural hub/performance space through a new Steering Group chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Economy & Jobs, and that the council's appropriate committees are regularly updated on progress’. This was seconded by the Executive Member for Homes and Communities.


The Chair proposed, seconded by Cllr Macgregor that because of the financially sensitive information to be discussed the Council go into Part II session and exclude the press and public. This was carried.


RESOLVED that under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 that press and public be excluded from the meeting for the discussion of the financial sensitive information on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of part 1 of schedule 12 A of the Act.


The Chair proposed, seconded by Cllr Macgregor that the meeting return to Part I with press and public present. This was carried and the meeting resumed in Part I.


Cllr Colclough proposed an amendment that the Council welcome the £9 million to renovate Newton Abbot but that the Alexandra Theatre is not included in the proposal and it is keep as it is being an asset to the town. This was seconded by Cllr Clarance put to the vote and lost.


A recorded vote was asked for by at least five Members under Procedure Rule 4.13.5.


Recorded vote under Procedure Rule 4.13.5


For: Cllrs Bradford, Clarance, Colclough, Daws, Hocking, Jeffery, Macgregor, Mullone, Patch, J Petherick, L Petherick, Phipps and Russell

(13 members)


Against: Cllrs Austen, Connett, D Cox, H Cox, Dewhirst, Foden, Goodman-Bradbury, Hayes, G Hook, J Hook, Jeffries, Keeling, Nutley, Peart, Rollason, Swain, Thorne, Wrigley, Evans, Parker

(20 members)


Abstain; Cllr Taylor

(1 member)


Not voted: Cllr Cook

(1 member)


Absent: Cllrs Bullivant, Eden, Gribble, Haines, Jenks, Kerswell, Morgan, Nuttall, Orme, Parker-Khan, Purser and Tume.

(12 members)


Cllr Patch proposed an amendment that a six month time scale be given for an alternate scheme to be developed based on the Jeremy Newcombe plan to incorporate a financially viable business plan as to how that scheme might operate this being an alternative as to what is being put forward. With the alternative scheme to come forward for consideration by the Council. This was seconded by Cllr Daws, put to the vote and lost.


A recorded vote was asked for by at least five Members under Procedure Rule 4.13.5.


Recorded vote under Procedure Rule 4.13.5


For: Cllrs Bradford, Clarance, Colclough, Daws, Hocking, Jeffery, Macgregor, Mullone, Patch, J Petherick, L Petherick, Phipps and Russell

(13 members)


Against: Cllrs Austen, Connett, H Cox, Dewhirst, Goodman-Bradbury, Hayes, G Hook, J Hook, Jeffries, Keeling, Nutley, Peart, Rollason, Swain, Taylor, Thorne, Wrigley, Evans, Parker

(19 members)


Abstain - Cllrs D Cox and Foden

(2 members)


Not voted: Cllr Cook

(1 member)


Absent: Cllrs Bullivant, Eden, Gribble, Haines, Jenks, Kerswell, Morgan, Nuttall, Orme, Parker-Khan, Purser and Tume.

(12 members)


The substantive motion was put to the vote and it was:-




(1)            The budget outlined in part II of this report to deliver the project detailed in section 4 be approved;


(2)            Delegated authority be given to the Head of Place and Commercial Services in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Executive Member for Economy and Jobs to take such decisions necessary to deliver the project: and


(3)      that the Council continues to engage and consult with regard to the design and considers the needs of the market and cultural hub/performance space through a new Steering Group chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Economy & Jobs, and that the council's appropriate committees are regularly updated on progress.


A recorded vote was asked for by at least five Members under Procedure Rule 4.13.5.


Recorded vote under Procedure Rule 4.13.5


For: Cllrs Austen, Connett, Cook, D Cox, H Cox, Dewhirst, Foden, Goodman-Bradbury, Hayes, G Hook, J Hook, Jeffries, Keeling, Macgregor, Nutley, Peart, Phipps, Rollason, Swain, Taylor, Thorne, Wrigley, Evans and Parker

(24 members)


Against: Cllrs Bradford, Clarance, Colclough, Daws, Hocking, Jeffery, Mullone, Patch and Russell

(9 members)


Abstain: Cllrs J Petherick and L Petherick

(2 members)


Absent: Cllrs Bullivant, Eden, Gribble, Haines, Jenks, Kerswell, Morgan, Nuttall, Orme, Parker-Khan, Purser and Tume.

(12 members)



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