
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published

16/04/2024 - Matford Community Building and GP Surgery Land Nominations ref: 518    Recommendations Approved

1.    Proposed Decision

1)    To nominate Exminster Parish Council to take ownership of land upon which a community building, car parking and ancillary facilities are to be constructed at Matford, Exminster, so that they can also become owners of the building.


2)    To nominate the NHS to take ownership of adjacent land upon which a GP surgery is to be constructed, so that they can become owners of the building.


3)    Delegate authority to the Economy and Delivery Manager to implement recommendations (1) and (2).


Decision Maker: Executive Member for Estates, Assets, Parking and Economic Development

Decision published: 16/04/2024

Effective from: 16/04/2024


1.    Decision

1)    To nominate Exminster Parish Council to take ownership of land upon which a community building, car parking and ancillary facilities are to be constructed at Matford, Exminster, so that they can also become owners of the building.


2)    To nominate the NHS to take ownership of adjacent land upon which a GP surgery is to be constructed, so that they can become owners of the building.


3)    Delegate authority to the Economy and Delivery Manager to implement recommendations (1) and (2).


Lead officer: Fergus Pate