Decision details

Cllr Swain - Motion on the process of calling in applications to Planning Committee

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Notice of Motion submitted to Full Council on the 23 April 2024 as set out on the agenda was presented by Cllr Swain.


In response to Members the Interim Head of Development Management clarified the following:-

·       Would add a box to the Members Planning Committee to committee regardless of recommendation and would examine the format to make it user friendly

·       Forums to support Town and Parishes in the understanding of the planning process had been reinstated and these would be held on a regularly basis

·       Members briefings can be held in respect of Strategic Planning issues that could include micro-energy sites



RECOMMENDED to Full Council that:-


(1)  Allow planning decisions to be referred to committee stating specifically why it is in the public interest for this application to be determined by committee; and


(2)  Where an officer recommendation goes against the view of a parish or town council, the recommendation should acknowledge that view and explain why a different outcome is recommended.


Report author: Sim Manley

Publication date: 03/09/2024

Date of decision: 17/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Procedures Committee