Issue - meetings

Initial Financial Plan Proposals 2018/19 to 2020/21.

Meeting: 09/01/2018 - Executive (Item 264)

264 Initial Financial Plan Proposals 2018/19 to 2020/21. pdf icon PDF 123 KB

to consider the initial financial plan proposals 2018/19 to 2020/21 to be published for comments over the next six weeks and the council tax base 2018/19.

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources introduced the Initial Financial Plan Proposals 2018/19 onwards which will be out to consultation over the next six weeks and also to recommend a council tax base for 2018/19. The proposed Council tax levels would mean that the Council would be in the middle of Devon district councils for council tax.


The Acting Chief Finance Officer introduced budget proposals for the Revenue and Capital Budgets 2018/19 to 2020/21 and provided an update on the likely outturn position for 2017/18.


A £5 council tax rise was proposed for 2018/19 which equated to 3.12% to take the Council’s council tax to £165.17 for Band D dwelling.  This was against reducing central government funding and continued work by the Council to find savings in existing budgets.


The Budget proposals supported housing, business and infrastructure delivery together with town centre investment while retaining an appropriate level of reserves.


The Council has been successful with a bid, along with other Devon authorities to be a 100% pilot for 2018/19 only and this would provide additional funding to assist with Newton Abbot Town Centre redevelopment plans.


The Council was in its third year of its BEST2020 process to reduce costs and the second year of delivery of the Council’s Ten Year Strategy.


Paragraph 3.7 identified the current council tax and council tax base for Teignbridge and paragraph 3.9 identified the government funding and cost changes likely to impact on the Council in the future and how this had been taken into account in the draft budget proposals.  This included national living wage increase, employers pay offer, over a two year deal.


The report outlined a small increase in the level of reserves to £1.9m for 2018/19 dropping to £1.8m in later years which represented around 11.3% of the annual budget.  The recommended council tax base of 48,577 is proposed for 2018/19 taking account of growth and collection rates.


The budget will be out to public and business consultation for final consideration by the Council on the 22 February 2018.




a)    That comment be invited on the budget proposals.

b)    That the Council recommends the Council to approve the council tax base for 48,577 for 2018/19 as contained in Appendix 2 to the report circulated with the agenda.