Issue - meetings

Introduction to Steve Mawn, Director of IT and Digital Transformation

Meeting: 27/06/2023 - Strata - Joint Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)

Introduction to Steve Mawn, Director of IT and Digital Transformation


The Strata Director introduced himself and Strata, the organisation.


The discussion between members and officers clarified the following points


·       Strata had achieved 5.5 million in savings for the Partnership had been reached over a 7-year period as a compounded total.

·       Prioritisation of workload is managed in partnership with the councils.

·       Technology relating to Teignbridge homelessness strategy had been requested by Teignbridge Council and is under review

·       Technology provided to one council can and should be provided to others as first choice to leverage savings

·       The Business Plan is used to track savings provided by Strata

·       Profits are sometimes redistributed to Strata by the three Councils to assist with the transformation agenda

·       The in-development performance dashboard is used to monitor performance

·       The move to the use of cloud technology is reliant on application rationalisation and will likely require a hybrid approach in the short to medium future

·       The Technology used by Teignbridge Housing Department was purchased from a supplier.

·       There is a need for closer working between the three councils. By introducing governance that helps the authorities work closer together the councils will be able to achieve more.