Issue - meetings

Announcements (if any)

Meeting: 17/10/2023 - Full Council (Item 56)


Announcements only from the Chair of Council, Leader, Members of the Executive or the Managing Director.


The Leader advised that Cllr C Parker had replaced Cllr Palethorpe on Devon Building Control Committee.




Additional documents:


The Leader announced that in response to concerns regarding Queen Street the Council would meet and work with the local traders to clarify and discuss issues such as signage to advise the public business is open as usual. The Council would also assist traders where it could and an update on this matter would be brought to a meeting of the Executive. He clarified that the Notice of Motion may be referred to another Committee rather than debated today.


The Chair advised of the civic events he had attended.


There was a moment of reflection for the late Sheila Cook who had been a District Councillor for many years.


Meeting: 05/09/2023 - Full Council (Item 41)


Announcements only from the Chair of Council, Leader, Members of the Executive or the Managing Director.


Cllr Daws Group Leader of South Devon Alliance advised that Cllr J Taylor had replaced Cllr Radford as substitute on Licensing Committee.


The Leader advised that Cllr Buscombe had replaced Cllr Farrand-Rogers on Planning Committee.



Additional documents:


The Chair advised of the civic events he had attended.


The Leader announced that Members had received a presentation from Devon County Council on the possible Devolution deal for Devon. The Leader apologised for unintentionally misleading the Chamber at the last Council meeting that to his knowledge Dawlish Town Council did not have coffee/tea at their council meetings when they do.