Issue - meetings

Budget and Council Tax 24/25

Meeting: 27/02/2024 - Full Council (Item 18)

18 Budget and Council Tax 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To consider the attached report and appendices




Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Corporate Resources Cllr Keeling, presented the budget proposals as set out in the agenda report as recommended by Overview and Scrutiny Committees 1 and 2 and the Executive. The Chief Finance Officer and staff, and all who had contributed to identifying savings, including the Members of the Mid Term Financial plan task and finish group, were thanked.


The budget proposals included 2 hours parking for £1.00 in the multistorey car park, Newton Abbot for the duration of the Queen Street works.


It was proposed by Cllr Keeling and seconded by the Leader Cllr Wrigley that the budget be approved as set out in the agenda report.


An amendment was proposed by Cllr Bullivant and seconded by Cllr Purser that the budget be approved as set out in the agenda report with an amendment that 26 spaces in the multistorey car park, Newton Abbot be free of charge for I hour to replace on street parking spaces to be lost in Queen Street.


A vote was taken and the amendment was LOST.


An amendment was proposed by Cllr P Parker and seconded by Cllr Hall that the budget be approved as set out in the agenda report with an amendment

to introduce 2 hours parking on the top two floors of the multi storey car park, Newton abbot for £1 to take effect when the Queen Street works start on a permanent basis subject to normal annual budget review of fees and charges.


 A vote was taken on the amendment and CARRIED, followed by a roll-call on the substantive amendment proposal as follows:


Recorded vote

For Cllrs Bullivant, Buscombe, Dawson, Farrand-Rogers, Foden, Goodman-Bradbury, Hall, Hayes, Henderson, Jackman, James, Jeffries, Keeling, Lake, Morgan, Nutley, Nuttall, Palethorpe, C Parker, Parrott, Peart, Purser, Rogers, Rollason, Sanders, Smith, Steemson, Swain, G Taylor, Webster, Williams and Wrigley

Total 32


Against Cllrs Bradford, Daws and J Taylor,

Total 3


Abstention Cllrs Atkins, Clarance, Gearon, MacGregor, P Parker, Radford and Ryan,

Total 7


The amendment was CARRIED



The budget be approved as set out in the agenda report as follows with an amendment to introduce 2 hours parking on the top two floors of multi storey car park, Newton abbot for £1 to take effect when the Queen Street works start on a permanent basis subject to normal annual budget review of fees and charges.


a        That the Teignbridge band D council tax for 2024/25 is increased by 2.99% or £5.70 to £196.41 per annum


b        Maintaining 100% council tax support


c          That general reserves are increased to 12.7% of the net revenue budget for 2024/25 or £2.4 million


d          That £200,000 of the general reserve balance in any one year be available to the Executive to meet unexpected expenditure in addition to the agreed revenue budget


e          All other decisions with regard to budgetary change will be approved by reference to virement rules in the financial instructions


f           That the summary revenue budget for 2024/25 is £18.9 million as shown at appendix  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18