Issue - meetings

Recommendation from Procedures Committee - Independent Remuneration Panel report

Meeting: 30/07/2024 - Full Council (Item 7.)

7. Recommendation from Procedures Committee - Independent Remuneration Panel report pdf icon PDF 131 KB

To consider the recommendation from Procedures Committee on Wednesday, 17th July, 2024,


RECOMMENDED to Full Council that:-


(1)  No change be made to the Special Responsibility Allowance for the Chair and Vice Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee;


(2)  The Council notes the intention of the Panel to hold a full review meeting on this matter in the light of 6 months’ operation of the new arrangement;


(3)  The Council takes steps to provide the Panel with the evidence it requires in order to consider this matter further; and


(4)  The special responsibility allowances for the Chair and Vice Chair of the Council be £3,000 and £1,000 respectively for 2023/24; and


(5)  The balance of the current allowances (£3,223 and £1,489) be transferred to the Democratic Services budget as support for the office of the Chair of the Council.



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