Issue - meetings

Cirl Bunting Funds - RSPB Ashill

Meeting: 06/06/2019 - Executive (Item 40)

Modification of Funding Agreement with RSPB for Ashill cirl bunting nature reserve

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that modification of the Funding Agreement with RSPB for Ashill cirl bunting nature reserve as per the circulated report be approved.



The Portfolio Holder for Planning presented the report regards the modification of Funding Agreement with Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) for Ashill cirl bunting nature reserve.


In response to Member’s questions, the Green Infrastructure Officer clarified the reasons for the modifications of the funding agreement.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning proposed the recommendation, this was seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Communities and IT.


RESOLVED that modification of the Funding Agreement with RSPB for Ashill cirl bunting nature reserve as per the circulated report be approved.