Issue - meetings

A382 Improvements Contribution

Meeting: 04/06/2019 - Full Council (Item 35)

35 A382 Improvements Contribution pdf icon PDF 308 KB


The Portfolio Holder for Planning presented the report to approve Teignbridge’s Community Infrastructure Levy contribution towards phase one of the A382 improvements.


The Principal Delivery Officer advised that the scheme had been identified as a key Local Plan priority which would improve safety, sustainable travel and increase highway capacity. Devon County Council had secured £6.5 million through the Local Enterprise Partnership administered through the Growth Deal and the identification of local match funding was essential to securing this support. The Council would be using Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) receipts to fund this project.  


The first phase of works between Forches Cross and Newton Abbot was due to commence during Autumn 2019 and would be delivered by Devon County Council. The commencement of this scheme would be part of a wider programme of enhancements along the corridor between Drumbridges and Newton Abbot.


In response to Member’s questions, the Principal Delivery Officer clarified the position with regards to future CIL receipts, which were based on figures in the Local Plan allocation and the road would be the main artery to support the growth of Newton Abbot.


It was proposed by the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change Emergency & Housing, seconded by Councillor Peart and carried.



(1)          a contribution of up to £5.1 million towards phase 1 of the A382 improvements be approved.  This will be paid to Devon County Council by 2022/23 subject to:


a)    Sufficient funding being available within that timeframe; and


b)    Confirmation of the Local Enterprise Partnership Growth Deal contribution towards the scheme;


(2)          this funding commitment be reflected in future Teignbridge Capital Programmes; and


(3)          the Business Manager Strategic Place (in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and the Solicitor to the Council) be given delegated authority to complete an associated funding agreement with Devon County Council.