Issue - meetings

Grounds maintenance weed Control -non toxic weed control

Meeting: 22/09/2020 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 (until May 2024) (Item 10)

10 Grounds maintenance weed control -non toxic weed control pdf icon PDF 550 KB

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The Chair invited the Executive Member for Sport, Recreation and Culture, Cllr MacGregor to present the report in response to concerns raised by Members about the Councils use of Glyphosate herbicides and alternative options available. The Council’s use of Glyphosate had reduced substantially and there was an ongoing effort to find effective alternatives. The current use was minimal, targeted and managed carefully, with the Council taking responsible measures with regards to health and safety.


It was noted that the Council had a legal duty to clear some evasive weeds on Council land which could be eradicated only with the use of glyphosates. 

Alternative methods were less effective and more costly, and increased weed would lead to additional financial costs.


It was proposed and seconded that the recommendation as set out in the reported be approved. 


A roll call was taken as follows: 


For the proposal: Chair, Vice Chair and Cllrs D Cox, Eden, Foden, Hocking, Mullone, Nutley and Rollason -Total 9 - unanimous




(1)          To continue the current carefully managed use of glyphosate.

(2)          Implement the improvements suggested and reduce the use of glyphosate in parks and cemeteries by a further 20% (within current budgets).

(3)          Continue to seek alternative solutions and opportunities to reduce use of Glyphosate.