Issue - meetings

PH Presentations Councillors J Hook (Climate Emergency) and Taylor (Planning)

Meeting: 22/09/2020 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 (until May 2024) (Item 7)

Executive Forward Plan and verbal Executive Members' Updates

The Executive Forward plan can be found here.


Portfolio Holders:

Council Leader, Cllr Connett - Strategic Direction

Cllr Dewhirst - Recycling, Household Waste & Environmental

Cllr J Hook - Climate Change

Cllr Wrigley - Homes & Communities


Additional documents:


Councillor D Cox declared an interest in relation to the update by Councillor Wrigley, Executive Member for Homes and Communities, by virtue of his association with the charities the CVS and HITS.


The Executive Forward Plan was noted.


Executive Member Updates


Councillor Dewhirst – Waste and Environmental Health

Councillor Dewhirst’s update included the following:

·     The services under his responsibilities are waste and cleansing, environmental protection, and Food, health & Safety and Licensing services. Customers can access all services digitally.

·     The Environmental Protection Act set out the Councils statutory responsibilities with regard to the waste collection, recycling and street cleansing.  Waste disposal is the responsibility of Devon County Council.

·     Waste collection cost each household £51.83 per year and street cleansing cost £23.08 per annum.

·     No waste goes to landfill. Residual waste is used for energy.

·     The service is ranked highly being 23rd nationally, 2nd in Devon and 3rd in the South West in 2018/19.

·     Under Environmental Protection the Council is responsible amongst other issues for emergency planning and business continuity, the provision of community environment wardens, and pest control. 

·     Food, health & safety, and Licensing include responsibility for inspection of cafes and restaurants, and official controls such as food hygiene, corporate health and safety at work, licensing of taxis and premises.




That the Business Mangers and their staff be formally recognised and thanked for their time and commitment to the community during the Covid lockdown in providing for and responding to the needs of residents.


The full update can be seen at


Councillor Wrigley – Housing and Community Engagement

Councillor Wrigley’s update included the following:

·     The services under his responsibilities also include customer services, business improvement and development, community safety and IT.

·     The Covid lockdown resulted in emergency support for business and residents to access services online, and Council staff being supported to work remotely, all achieved by the Council’s IT provider Strata.

·     Customer Services deliver an admirable service to customers.

·     The community safety service is delivered in partnership with the Police and projects have been funded through funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner.

·     Housing delivery and affordable housing numbers set by Government were down on target due to the decrease of building work as a result of Covid lockdown.

·     The Council run a Warmer Homes service which was currently focusing on residents of park homes, and oversees private tenant and landlords, and gypsy and travellers.  A bid for £140,000 government funds was recently achieved to help home the homeless.

·     Community engagement provided amongst other services support for the voluntary sector who directly help our more vulnerable residents, again invaluable during the challenging Covid situation.

·     All staff were thanked for their commitment to the community during this time.

·     The Council recognised that the Covid situation had highlighted digital poverty, and the importance of telephone access to the Council for some residents who had difficulty with internet access.


The full update can be seen at


Councillor J Hook – Climate Change, coastal and flood risk management

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