Agenda and minutes

Regulatory & Appeals Committee - Monday, 3rd September, 2018 10.15 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4XX. View directions

Contact: Phil Shears  Email:

No. Item


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The Minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Applications for a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Extension


Consideration was given to applications to renew and extend a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence, as set out below. The Committee adjourned to inspect the vehicles, which, were the subject of the following applications. 


All vehicle licences are issued annually and Section 43 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 provides that a Private Hire / Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence may only be in force for a maximum period of one year.


The Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy provides that vehicles being presented for subsequent licensing are required to be under 10 years old.  However the Council has discretion to continue to licence vehicles which are older than ten years, provided that, the Council is satisfied that such a vehicle is in a good condition and good state of repair, and provided that it passes the appropriate testing standard.


The Council’s Policy and statutory provisions reflect the Council’s responsibility to ensure that all hackney carriage and private hire vehicles are safe and fit for use by members of the public.


(a)          Vehicle Registration EY55 OUD


It was noted that the vehicle had a current MOT.  The vehicle was the subject of an inspection test and the vehicle met the required standard.


The Applicant was in attendance and addressed the Committee to support the application.




Vehicle registration EY55 OUD is approved a 12 month Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence renewal and extension, in accordance with legislation, subject to a six monthly vehicle inspection test.


Reason for Decision


Having inspected the vehicle, read all written material, and listened to the representation by the Applicant and the Licensing Officer, the Committee is satisfied with the general standard of the vehicle, the state of repair and the condition of the vehicle. Therefore it is considered the vehicle is fit for use for the general public and paying customers.



(b)          Vehicle Registration LN55 YNM


It was noted that the vehicle had a current MOT and a number of advisories had been rectified. The vehicle had also had passed a vehicle inspection test, and a number of advisories raised at the test have been rectified and the vehicle now met the required standard.                   .

The Applicant was in attendance and addressed the Committee to support the application.




Vehicle registration LN55 YNM is approved a 12 month Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence renewal and extension, in accordance with legislation.


Reason for Decision


Having inspected the vehicle, read all written material, and listened to the representation by the Applicant and the Licensing Officer, the Committee is satisfied with the general standard of the vehicle, the state of repair and the condition of the vehicle. Therefore it is considered the vehicle is fit for use for the general public and paying customers.




Exclusion of the Press and Public

That under Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business  on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 7 of Part 1 of Schedule12A of the Act.



Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Driver Licence


The application be deferred until the next scheduled meeting on 1 October 2018.