Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Tuesday, 17th October, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4XX. View directions


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the Full Council meeting on 5 September 2023 and the Extraordinary Council meeting on 28 September 2023.


Additional documents:


It was proposed by the Leader and seconded by the Executive Member for Corporate Services that the minutes of the meeting on 5 September 2023 and the Extraordinary Meeting on 28 September 2023 be approved.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of 5 September 2023 and the Extraordinary Meeting on 28 September 2023 be approved and were signed as a correct record by the Chair.




Announcements only from the Chair of Council, Leader, Members of the Executive or the Managing Director.


The Leader advised that Cllr C Parker had replaced Cllr Palethorpe on Devon Building Control Committee.




Additional documents:


The Leader announced that in response to concerns regarding Queen Street the Council would meet and work with the local traders to clarify and discuss issues such as signage to advise the public business is open as usual. The Council would also assist traders where it could and an update on this matter would be brought to a meeting of the Executive. He clarified that the Notice of Motion may be referred to another Committee rather than debated today.


The Chair advised of the civic events he had attended.


There was a moment of reflection for the late Sheila Cook who had been a District Councillor for many years.



Declarations of interest

Additional documents:


Cllr Daws declared an interest in respect of minute no.63 – Motion 2 Alexander Theatre – as he was a member of a non-profit community society set up to preserve the Alexander Theatre. He would propose the Notice of Motion.


Cllr P Parker declared an interest in respect of minute no.59 - Local Plan Addendum.



Public Questions pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Additional documents:


Public questions and responses attached to the Agenda.



Local Plan Addendum pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Additional documents:


Cllr P Parker declared an interest and left the meeting during consideration of the item.


The Executive Member for Planning presented the report.


The Leader proposed the recommendation with the addition of the following ‘to exclude the sites at Kenton, Ipplepen and Dawlish(Holcombe)  technically known as items CT2, V14A and V16A  from schedules 2 and 3, and elsewhere in the documentation as appropriate’ with the rest of the recommendations as set out. This was seconded by the Executive Member for Corporate Resources.




(1)                      Approve the Addendum to the Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Teignbridge Local Plan 2020 to 2040 (Appendix A) for at least a 6-week period of public consultation to exclude the sites at Kenton, Ipplepen and Dawlish(Holcombe)  technically known as items CT2, V14A and V16A  from schedules 2 and 3, and elsewhere in the documentation as appropriate;


(2)                      Approve the Policies Map (Appendix B) for at least a 6-week period of public consultation;


(3)                      Approve the Sustainability Appraisal Report (Appendix C) for at least a 6-week period of public consultation;


(4)                      Approve the Habitats Regulations Assessment (Appendix D) for at least a 6-week period of public consultation;

Note the content of the Consultation Statement for the Regulation 19 (Proposed Submission) consultation (Appendix E);


(5)                      Note the content and conclusion of the Equality Impact Assessment (Appendix F);


(6)                      Grant delegated authority to the Head of Place and Commercial Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning, to make minor changes to items (1)-(5) prior to consultation to address any editorial errors and matters of clarification; and


(7)                      Following consultation, submit the Proposed Submission Local Plan 2020 to 2040 (including this Addendum), and associated documents, to the Secretary of State for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to begin proceedings for Public Examination.


Recorded vote under Procedure Rule 4.13.5


For: Cllrs H Cox, Dawson, Farrand-Rogers, Goodman-Bradbury, Hayes, Henderson, Hook, Jackman, James, Keeling, Nutley, Nuttall, Palethorpe,

 C Parker, Parrott, Rollason, Sanders, Steemson, Swain, G Taylor, Williams, Wrigley and D Cox   Total 23


Against: Cllrs Atkins, MacGregor, Total 2


Abstain Cllrs Bullivant, Bradford, Daws, Gearon, Hall, Mullone, Peart, Radford, Ryan, Smith, J Taylor, Thorne and Clarance Total 13


Absent: Cllrs Buscombe, Foden, Jeffries, Lake, Morgan, P Parker (not present for the item) Purser, Rogers and Webster Total 9




Recommendation from Executive - Support for Care Leavers

To consider the recommendation of  Executive on 3rd October, 2023,


RECOMMENDED to Council the adoption, in principle, of a Council Tax support offer for Care Leavers which will incorporate a council tax discount, free membership to our leisure centres and work experience opportunities.


Additional documents:


Cllr C Parker and Williams left before consideration of this item.


The Executive Member for Corporate Services proposed the recommendation this was seconded by the Leader.


RESOLVED toadopt, in principle, of a Council Tax support offer for Care Leavers which will incorporate a council tax discount, free membership to our leisure centres and work experience opportunities.


The vote was unanimous.



Recommendation from Executive - Draft Treasury Management Results for 2022/23

To consider the recommendation of Executive on 12th September, 2023,


RECOMMENDED to Full Council that the draft treasury management results for 2022/23 at appendix 4 are noted.


Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Corporate Services proposed the recommendation this was seconded by the Leader.


RESOLVED that the draft treasury management results for 2022/23 at appendix 4 be noted.



Recommendation from Procedures Committee - Financial Limits pdf icon PDF 109 KB

To consider the recommendation of the  Procedures Committee on Monday, 2nd October, 2023.


RECOMMENDED to Council that the financial limits Key Decisions at 3.4.7 in the constitution be increased as follows:

·       Revenue £100,000

·       Capital £250,000


And any other references to these limits be amended accordingly.


Additional documents:


Cllr James left before consideration of this item.


The Executive Member for Corporate Services proposed the recommendation this was seconded by the Leader.


RESOLVED that the financial limits Key Decisions at 3.4.7 in the constitution be increased as follows:

·       Revenue £100,000

·       Capital £250,000


And any other references to these limits be amended accordingly.



Notices of Motion

Notice of Motion’s shall be referred to the appropriate Committee meeting. The mover of the motion can outline the proposal and then it will stand adjourned. The motion may be debated to assist debate later if agreed by two-thirds of Council Members.


Motion 1


The following motion on Queen Street Future High Street Fund 'traffic reduction and pedestrianisation' plans has been presented by Cllr Daws and supported by Cllrs Hall, J Taylor, P Parker, Gearon, Bradford, Macgregor, Mullone, Radford and Ryan.


Queen Street Future High Street Fund 'traffic reduction and pedestrianisation' plans. Given the huge concerns expressed by Queen Street retailers over the Future High Street Fund plans, it is proposed that TDC park the project plan for the street and, as a matter of urgency, enter full and meaningful 'face to face' consultation involving meeting, listening to and acting on the concerns of all retailers and residents directly affected by the proposed plans. The aim being to create a vision for the future of Queen Street and the Town Centre that carries the support of the majority of retailers and the community.


Motion 2


The following motion on the Alexandra Theatre has been presented by Cllr Daws and supported by Cllrs Hall, J Taylor, P Parker, Gearon, Bradford, Macgregor, Mullone, Radford and Ryan.


The Alexandra Theatre. Reflecting the distress of the cinema industry and the lack of appetite for the current operator of the Alexandra Theatre, Scott's Cinema's, to expand into any new multiplex, it is proposed that the council members, alongside officers, enter 'blue sky' discussions with Scott's. As the cinema lease is up for renewal in October it would be both in the residents best interests as well of those of a long serving tenant of the council, to explore the potential model of Scott's continuing the operation of a cinema offer at the Alexandra, alongside other extended live entertainment usage, similar to the relationship with NADMCS theatre group, who already use the theatre three weeks of the year. The aim being to protect the provision of a cinema offer to the town and extend the offer of live entertainment within the district in an already fully functioning theatre that is both grade 2 listed and registered as an asset of community value. 


Motion 3


The following motion on recordings of meetings has been presented by Cllr Daws and supported by Cllrs Hall, J Taylor, P Parker, Gearon, Bradford, Macgregor, Mullone, Radford and Ryan.


- Recordings of council meetings. The council records public meetings for ease of access for residents. To maintain a full public record of meetings it is proposed that the council halts with immediate effect its current policy of deleting recordings of meetings after a set number of years and maintains public access to meetings on streaming platforms, such as YouTube currently. It is proposed that all meetings currently in the possession of the council or in existence, are reinstated to a free publicly available platform and that all future meetings saved and are  ...  view the full agenda text for item 63.

Additional documents:


Motion 1


Cllrs Dawson and Nutley left the meeting before discussion of this item.


Cllr Daws presented the motion on Queen Street Future High Street Fund 'traffic reduction and pedestrianisation' plans.


More than five members asked for a roll-call to decide if two thirds of Members present wanted to debate this matter today.


Recorded vote under Procedure Rule 4.13.5


For: Cllrs Bradford, Daws, Gearon, Hall, MacGregor, Mullone, P Parker, Radford, Ryan, J Taylor Total 10


Against: Cllrs Bullivant, H Cox, Farrand-Rogers, Goodman-Bradbury, Hayes, Hook, Keeling, Palethorpe, Parrott, Peart, Rollason, Sanders, Smith, Swain, G Taylor,Thorne, Wrigley, D Cox  Total 18


Abstain Cllrs Atkins, Henderson, Jackman, Nuttall, Steemson, Clarance Total 6


Absent: Cllrs Buscombe, Dawson, Foden, James, Jeffries, Lake, Morgan, Nutley, C Parker, Purser, Rogers, Webster and Williams, Total 13


As two-thirds did not agree to a debate the matter it was referred to Executive.


Motion 2


Cllrs H Cox, Henderson and Jackman left the meeting before discussion of this item.


Cllr Daws presented the motion on the Alexandra Theatre.


More than five members asked for a roll-call to decide if two thirds of Members present wanted to debate this matter today.


Recorded vote under Procedure Rule 4.13.5


For: Cllrs Atkins, Bradford, Daws, Gearon, Hall, MacGregor, Mullone,

P Parker, Radford, Ryan, J Taylor Total 11


Against: Cllrs Farrand-Rogers, Goodman-Bradbury, Hayes, Hook, Keeling, Palethorpe, Parrott, Rollason, Sanders, Swain, G Taylor, Wrigley, D Cox  Total 13


Abstain Cllrs Bullivant, Nuttall, Peart, Smith, Steemson, Thorne, Clarance Total 7


Absent: Cllrs Buscombe, H Cox, Dawson, Henderson, Foden, Jackman, James, Jeffries, Lake, Morgan, Nutley, C Parker, Purser, Rogers, Webster and Williams, Total 16


As two-thirds did not agree to a debate the matter it was referred to Executive.


Motion 3


Cllr Daws presented the motion on recordings of meetings.


As two-thirds did not agree to a debate the matter was referred to Executive.


More than five members asked for a roll-call to decide if two thirds of Members present wanted to debate this matter today.


Recorded vote under Procedure Rule 4.13.5


For Cllrs Atkins, Bradford, Bullivant, Daws, Gearon, Goodman-Bradbury, Hall, MacGregor, Mullone, Nuttall, P Parker, Peart, Radford, Ryan, Smith, Steemson, J Taylor   Total 17


Against Cllrs Hayes, Hook, Keeling, Palethorpe, Parrott, Rollason, Sanders, D Cox   Total 8


 Abstain Cllrs Farrand-Rogers, Swain, Thorne, Wrigley, Clarance Total 5


Absent: Cllrs Buscombe, H Cox, Dawson, Henderson, Foden, Jackman, James, Jeffries, Lake, Morgan, Nutley, C Parker, Purser, Rogers, G Taylor Webster and Williams, Total 17


The matter was referred to Executive Committee.


Motion 4


Cllr Bullivant presented the motion on Decision making.


As two-thirds did not agree to a debate the matter (amended 28 November 2023) it was referred to Procedures Committee.



Motion 5


Cllr J Taylor presented motion on variation of planning conditions and section 106.


More than five members asked for a roll-call to decide if two thirds of Members present wanted to debate this matter today.



Recorded vote under Procedure Rule 4.13.5


For Cllrs Atkins, Bradford, Daws, Gearon, Hall, MacGregor,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63.


Councillors Questions pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Additional documents:


Cllrs Parrott, Sanders, Farrand-Rogers and Palethorpe left the meeting during consideration of this item.


Members questions and responses attached to Agenda.