Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 (until May 2024) - Tuesday, 22nd September, 2020 2.30 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting - Virtual Meeting. View directions

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No. Item


Election of Chair


It was proposed by Councillor G Hook and seconded by Councillor Morgan that Councillor Bullivant be elected Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2.


A roll call was taken.




Councillors Austen, Bullivant, D Cox, Daws, Evans, Hayes, G Hook, Morgan, Nuttall, Parker-Khan, L Petherick, and Swain.






Resolved that Cllr Bullivant be elected Chair.


Election of Deputy Chair


It was proposed by Councillor G Hook and seconded by Councillor Bullivant that Councillor Swain be elected Vice-Chair.


A roll call was taken.




Councillors Austen, Bullivant, D Cox, Daws, Evans, Hayes, G Hook, Morgan, Nuttall, Parker-Khan, L Petherick, and Swain.






Resolved that Councillor Swain be elected Vice-Chair.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 211 KB

To identify any areas of work for future meetings of the Committee.

Additional documents:


In response to a question, it was decided that the Car Park Working Group would be added to the work programme and brought to one of the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


The Chair invited members to attend a meeting of the Cultural Quarter Working Group, and suggested that the group write to the Employment Site Working Group to reconfirm the work of the group.


The Committee agreed to note the Work Programme.


Executive Forward Plan including presentation from Portfolio Holder for Planning pdf icon PDF 3 MB

The Executive Forward plan can be found here.


Cllr G Taylor  - Portfolio Holder for Planning


The Portfolio Holder for Planning gave a presentation to the Committee – see attached.


In response to questions from Councillors, the Executive Member for Planning informed the Committee that enforcement and officer visits to sites had been affected to Covid-19.


The Chair invited the Executive Member for Planning to attend a future Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 Meeting to update on enforcement.


In response to an additional question, the Executive Member for Planning clarified that the CIL will be replaced by the Infrastructure Levy. They also informed the Committee that a number of changes were to be made to business usage later in the year, and clarified what CIL Liability is and the impact of it in recent years.


The Executive Member for Planning, in addition, responded to questions, informing the Committee by stating that there were a number of factors surrounding business for the Planning Committee, the Teign Estuary cycle trail was progressing, and that the Local Plan Working Group is involved in consultation with central government regarding changes to the Planning system. They also agreed that there could be benefits to converting under used and redundant buildings to residential accommodation. 



BAME Notice of Motion referred from Council 28 July 2020

Annual Council 28 July 2020 resolved the Notice of Motion on equality of representation in the Teignbridge District presented by Cllr Jeffries (as per the above link).


The resolved motion covers the following areas of work in which there are two principal categories of work (a) work which the Council can undertake itself and (b) work particularly child and adult education which the Council should undertake with Devon County Council as detailed below. The Audit Scrutiny Committee resolved on 26 August 2020 to deal with category (a) by the setting up of a review. The Overview & Scrutiny Committees are asked to consider and recommend to Executive and how they would like to take forward the resolutions (b) from Council.


(a)           Review of the Governance of the Council which will comprise:

                                I.            A review of the Council’s own HR and Equalities practices (including provision for member and officer training)

                              II.            The Council setting up an advisory board to consider BAME within the context an EIA for Covid 19

                            III.            A review of the Councillor Community Fund criteria to promote projects which address inequalities and raising educational attainment within underrepresented groups.


(b)  [The Council to] Work with Devon County Council (DCC) to explore the prospect of making changes the curriculum to include BAME experiences, contributions, and the FACTs of History, throughout the year:-


[The Council to] Explore the possibility of an education transformation project in conjunction with schools that creates a suite of curriculum resources specific to Teignbridge’s History:-


[The Council to] Lobby Government to invest and resource changes to the curriculum across the UK through the support of organisations such as The Black Curriculum and via associated campaigns:-


[The Council to] In partnership with DCC, [to] conduct a review of street names and monuments within Teignbridge to assess where information plaques relevant to uncovering the history of Imperialism and links to slavery can be put in place as soon as possible.



The Notice of Motion was introduced by the Executive Member for Business, Economy & Tourism. They informed the committee that a professor in Caribbean history and culture had put forward two PHD students to aid in this motion.


In response to a question by a member, the Executive Member for Business agreed to look at reaching a wider audience for this project.


A roll call was taken to agree the creation of a spotlight review alongside Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1.




Councillors Austen, Bullivant, D Cox, Daws, Evans, Hayes, G Hook, Morgan, Nuttall, Parker-Khan, L Petherick, and Swain.






Resolved that Councillors L Petherick, Nuttall, and Parker-Khan join the BAME Spotlight Review alongside members from Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1.




Sea Level Rise and Shoreline Management Planning (Members of Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 are invited to attend for this item) pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Presentation by the Coastal Officer.

Additional documents:


The Coastal Officer gave a presentation to the Committee – see attached to minutes. Members from Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 were invited to attend. In response to questions the Coastal Officer advised the Committee that the Council led South Devon and Dorset Coastal Authorities Group is funded through a contribution process for all coastal Local Authorities (currently £750.p.a.) in combination with national funding, and that the Council led Regional Monitoring Programme and Shoreline Management Processes are funded through national grant mechanisms.


The Committee agreed to note the report.


Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 330 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair presented the report. They advised the Committee that several items had been cautioned on the report as a result of Covid-19.


In response to a question from the Chair about CSVVV1.14 Number of subscriptions to my account, the Project Manager suggested that this is allocated to the Executive Member for IT. The Leader of the Council agreed to this and informed the Committee that complaints would be brought to October’s Audit Scrutiny Committee by the Ombudsman, and that the Leader would report back to Overview and Scrutiny afterwards.


The Committee agreed to note the report.