Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 (until May 2024) - Tuesday, 10th November, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: Virtual Meeting - Virtual Meeting. View directions

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No. Item


#CouncilsCan Day


The Chair announced that the day was #CouncilsCan day when local government is encouraged to share with the public some of the great things it does every day to help residents and communities. This year the focus was on how councils have protected lives and livelihoods and kept their communities running throughout the pandemic.

The Council would be posting on its social media feeds throughout the day, celebrating the different ways it had supported local communities through covid 19.  Members were encouraged to share messages and post their own in support of this campaign and local government.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2020.


The minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2020 were approved as a correct record and would be signed at the earliest convenience, subject to Minute 1 referring to OS Committee 2 and not 1.  


Declaration of Interest




Public Questions




Councillor Questions




Executive Forward Plan

To note forthcoming decisions anticipated to be made by the Executive over the next 12 months. The Executive Forward plan can be found here.


The Chair referred to the Executive Forward Plan. He advised on issues that fell within the interest of the Committee, those within the interest of OS Committee 1, and those items that would fall within the interest of both committees.


The report was noted.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 216 KB

Additional documents:


The Committees Work Programme as circulated with the agenda was noted. The Car Parking Review Group was having regular meetings and would update the Committee at a future meeting.


COVID-19 Community Impact Review Group pdf icon PDF 126 KB

To receive an update from the Member Leads of the three groups: Rural, Coastal and Urban


Members noted the Community Impact Review Group’s Terms of Reference circulated with the agenda. Three groups had formed each with six members focusing on the effects on rural, urban and coastal communities, but which were working together for a coordinated approach across the District. The group leads, Cllr Parker-Khan, Cllr Jenks and Cllr J Petherick respectively, gave an update on the work of the groups to date.


A survey, common to all groups had been compiled and circulated in the community for example, to local businesses, food banks, GPs surgeries, voluntary groups, charity groups, hotels, restaurants, cafes, pubs and clubs requesting responses by 5 December 2020. The survey would provide information on how the community has been effected. The results would be scrutinised and reported to the Committee along with further updates of the review group’s progress.


The Committee thanked members for their work to date, and particularly Cllr Parker-Khan for the organisation of the survey. 


The reports were noted.


Cultural Quarter Review Group

To receive an update from Councillor Bullivant, leading on the Review Group.


The Chair updated the Committee on the progress of the Review Group which was focusing on the potential for sites to come forward for a Cultural Quarter in Newton Abbot, potential development issues, and aspirations of the Town Council for associated facilities.


Comments raised included: there was merit in seeking the voice of local industry on the future of this sector over the next decade; and the importance of development to secure community engagement to enable survival of town centres.


The update report was noted.


Employment Sites Review Group

To receive and update from Councillor Bullivant, leading on the Review Group.


The Chair updated Members on the Review Group’s work which had met twice to date. East Devon District Council had advised on the success of employment sites at Exeter Airport and Science Park. A further meeting would be held that week when the views of representatives of local commercial and industrial property consultants would be sought. The Chair invited Members to join the meeting if they wished to.


The report was noted.


Executive Member for Sport, Recreation and Culture Presentation pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The Executive Member for Sport, Recreation and Culture gave a presentation to Committee updating Members on the services under the remit of the portfolio. The presentation is appended.


The Executive Member gave recognition to staff proactively reacting since the covid lockdown in supporting the community and keeping residents engaged in a healthy lifestyle. Participant numbers on indoor and outdoor activity classes were starting to increase before the current second lockdown, following the successful reopening of the leisure centres following the first lockdown. The centres were able to accommodate 50% participation of pre-covid numbers. Since the first lockdown activities were particularly targeting 30-45yr olds, women and those of low social economic background, the numbers of which had noticeably decreased. 


The Council had been proactive during lock down with the success of Teignbridge leisure digital transition and development, which in particular  provided on-line exercise classes through the Be Active app. Additional initiatives in response to the covid situation were the promotion of walking and cycling events and opportunities, and conservation volunteer task days.


The budget deficit for the service was estimated at £430,000 as a result of income loss from leisure centres and the green spaces, rangers and resorts service provision as a result of covid. 


In regard to leisure centre refurbishments, Broadmeadow and Dawlish centre projects were on hold until the service recovered from covid lockdowns. 


The Executive Member advised he would provide written responses to Members queries regarding: activities for those with disabilities; conflict resulting from adults using children’s play equipment in play parks; footbridge repair at Decoy Park;  how the Council is advising residents of online exercises and activity sessions; update on the provision of trim-trail equipment at Bakers Park; progress on the Dawlish Warren visitor centre; update on the development of Stover Hockey pitch; update on the Sports Teams Strategy and leases; and available Section 106 funding and any additional funds available from the Council to deliver projects.




South and East Devon Habitat Regulations Executive Committee pdf icon PDF 184 KB

To note the Minutes of 14 July 2020.


This item was withdrawn until the Minutes have been approved at the next meeting of the SEDHR Executive.