Agenda item

23/00937/MAJ Howton Field - Newton Abbot


The Planning Officer presented the application to the Committee. This included a change in the recommendation.


Comments from Councillors included:

·       Access from Houghton road

·       Need for affordable housing

·       Narrow roads

·       Need for large road to be built

·       Site is larger than thought

·       Isolated site

·       Concerns about ecology

·       Departure from local plan

·       Cirl bunting funding needed

·       Bat buffer could be wider

·       Need for bat roost plan

·       Attractive site

·       20 percent affordable housing

·       Ecology buffer

·       Request for extra rural footpath

·       Executive focus on affordable housing

·       Current application is more realistic

·       Highways condition wording

·       Large change from last application

·       20 percent affordable is minimum

·       Loss of CIL

·       Affordable houses clustered on site

·       No CIL for custom builds

·       Lack of parking

·       Solar panels would be desirable

·       Tightening of climate change regulations

·       Funding from Homes England



In response, officers clarified:

·       There is a limit to site capacity

·       Use of delegated authority to update highways condition wording



It was proposed by Councillor C Parker and seconded by Councillor Palethorpe that permission be granted as set out in the updated officer’s presentation.


A vote was taken – the result was 8 in favour and 4 against.




Subject to the receipt of satisfactory further information in respect of waste and subject to conditions covering the following matters, the precise number, format and wording of which to be delegated to the Business Manager – Strategic Place:


1.     Approval of reserved matters to be obtained from the LPA before development is commenced.

2.     Application for reserved matters to be made before 21.06.26

3.     Development Shall be Phased and each phase shall be begun before the expiry of two years from the date of final approval of the RM for that phase.

4.     Prior to commencement of development a scheme to provide 20% affordable housing to be submitted, development to accord with approved scheme.

5.     No development shall commence until either:

a)    A planning obligation pursuant to Section 106 which makes provision for the following:

• Financial contribution of £1,617 per dwelling towards provision of community facilities

• Financial contribution of £3,179 per dwelling towards provision of employment development

•Financial contribution of £2,235 per dwelling towards Green Infrastructure provision

• Financial contribution of £4,748 towards Cirl Bunting habitat compensation


b) a scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority which provides for:

• Community facilities;

• Employment provision;

• Green Infrastructure provision;

• Mitigation for biodiversity impact.

6.     No dwelling to be occupied until a TRO for the closure of Howton Road to through traffic has been made.

7.     Development to be carried out in accordance with approved plans.

8.     Submission of a CEMP

9.     Development to accord with precautions and measures in the Dormouse Report and Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

10. Development to accord with an Exterior Lighting Scheme

11. Bat Roost Plan to be submitted.

12. Incorporation of bat and bird boxes into each dwelling

13. Submission of a LEMP

14. Submission of a Waste Audit Statement

15. Details of temporary and permanent surface water drainage systems to be submitted.

16. No development to be commenced until a scheme for disposal of foul sewage is approved.

17. If contamination not previously identified is found on site, an investigation and risk assessment shall be carried out.

18. Construction management plan for each phase

19. Details of tanker access, which shall include by hedge translocation rather than hedge removal in the formation of visibility splays. This access shall not be illuminated.

20. Development shall not be commenced until a S278 agreement has been entered into to provide a footpath link to south of site.

Supporting documents: