Agenda item

Notices of Motion

Notice of Motion’s shall be referred to the appropriate Committee meeting. The mover of the motion can outline the proposal and then it will stand adjourned. The motion may be debated to assist debate later if agreed by two-thirds of Council Members.


Motion 1


The following motion on communication to residents regarding development in Newton Abbot has been presented by Cllr Bullivant and supported by Cllrs Lake, Rogers, Thorne Purser


Communication to residents 

“Over the next few years Newton Abbot should see areas with major developments taking place that will impact on the daily lives of residents.

It is essential that residents are kept informed of plans and project progress to ensure that everyone has access to information that will affect their lives.

The projects currently going through include:-

A382 improvements (planned start July 24) 2 year programme with major road closures

Stover Park enhancements (planned early 24) 1year programme 

NA3 developments (planned early 24) 1200 homes over 10 years

NA1 developments (planned early 25) 1200 homes over  10 years

Newton Abbot Queen Street (planed mid 24) 

Market Square improvements (planned early 24)

Cycle and footpath improvements in town centre (planned early 24)

Bradley Lane redevelopment (planned early 25)

Bus route improvements in town centre (planned mid 24)

It is recommended that an area within the Newton Abbot Market Hall is allocated to allow the developers carrying out these projects to show plans and to report on progress on an ongoing basis throughout the delivery programme. 

It is also recommended that the requirement to maintain the information and keep it up to date by developers is included within the conditions applied on the granting of planning consent.”



Motion 2


The following motion on support for care workers has been submitted by Cllr Bradford and supported by from Cllrs Daws, Hall, Gearon, Lake, Radford, Ryan, Taylor, P Parker, Palethorpe, Hook, Sanders, keeling, Nutley, C Parker, Rogers, Nuttall, Steemson


Support for Care Leavers

“Following on from our Full Council meeting in January when we voted to give extra support to Care Leavers living within the district.

Can TDC follow South Hams District Council by providing employment opportunities with the Council for Care Leavers?

A new employment policy would be introduced with four main employment commitments to our care leavers :

  1. The offer of a two to four week paid work placement
  2. The support of a senior manager as a mentor to help care leavers working with the council to adapt to the working environment and secure permanent employment.
  3. The ring-fencing of identified entry-level apprenticeship opportunities.
  4. The guarantee of an interview to any care leaver who meets the minimum requirements of a vacant post.

In addition to this the Council would sign up to the Care Leaver Covenant, which is a national inclusion programme funded by the Dept. of Education to create meaningful opportunities for care leavers in 5 key areas including Education, Employment and Training. This would ensure the details of the offer to Care Leavers would be promoted on their website and in all promotional materials.”


Motion 3


The following motion on saving Teignmouth hospital from closure has been presented by Cllr Clarance and supported by Cllrs Keeling, Sanders, Macgregor, C Parker, Radford, Hall, Ryan, Nutley, Gearon, Palethorpe, Cox, Foden, Jackman, Parrott, J Taylor, Dawson, Daws, Hook, Rogers, Wrigley, Bullivant, Steemson, Bradford, Henderson,   


Saving Teignmouth hospital from closure

“It was on the 21.2.2023 that a Notice of Motion was presented to Council raising the issue of trying to save Teignmouth Hospital from closure. The minutes of that meeting show clearly the background to that Notice of Motion and what was resolved unanimously by those present being some 27 members at the time.


Following the failure of the County Councils Adult Services Committee to refer the matter to the Secretary of State on the 24th Feb2024 by some 8 votes to 5, legislation coming into effect on the 1st Feb now gives Teignbridge District Council the right and opportunity of referring the matter themselves to the Secretary of State for her consideration (Rt Hon Victoria Atkins MP)


I do not propose to go into the full background for the case for retention here,(as it is  pretty well set out already in the fore mentioned background), suffice to say Hospitals such as Teignmouth I believe help out our stressed main Hospitals such as Torbay and eventual closure would mean the loss of an active operating theatre and the chance of putting back hopefully some further recuperation beds in the Hospital. Doubts also remain about whether an active physiotherapy department would also be lost too.


Whilst introducing my proposed motion I would like to clarify the position of the proposed Health and Well Being Centre planned for the centre of Teignmouth. This is set to go ahead still and will serve as premises for Channel View/Den Crescent practices to operate from. TDC are still awaiting for the Trust to close the deal with TDC to purchase the site and are chasing them to conclude the sale.


So my NOM in summary is to ask the Secretary of State to examine the case please for the retention of Teignmouth Hospital, stopping the eventual closure and get it back to a fully functioning Hospital with recuperation beds put back in it to help out a hard pressed NHS.”



Motion 4


(A similar NOM was previously submitted by Cllr Daws. It was considered by the Executive on 4 January 2024

and was referred to the Audit Scrutiny Committee for consideration).


The following motion on live streaming of public council meetings has been presented by Cllr J Taylor and supported by Cllrs Gearon, Hall, Bradford, Daws, Ryan, Radford, Macgregor, Atkins, P Parker


“I would like to discuss the issue of the live streaming of public council meetings.


I first identified that all meetings were not live streamed when attending a Standards meeting, which I expected to be live streamed but was not. My understanding was that this was due to an error and I wrongly assumed that all public meetings held in the Council Chamber were live streamed.

Again, at the latest Procedures Committee, which covered many of the motions not debated in Full Council, which were of public interest, was not live streamed. 


I raised this at that meeting and was informed that live streaming is not governed by a policy which rationalises or prioritises which meetings are to be live streamed and it was believed it was purely based on cost.  

In the interest of transparency and public engagement, I propose that all public meetings which are held in the council chamber should be live streamed and that all public meetings, not to be live streamed have the reason recorded in the minutes.”




Motion 1

Cllr Bullivant presented the Motion on communication to residents regarding development in Newton Abbot.


Two-thirds of Members present did not agree to debate the matter and therefore the matter was referred to the Executive.


Motion 2

Cllr Bradford presented a Motion on support for care workers.


Two-thirds of Members present did not agree to debate the matter and therefore the matter was referred to the Executive.


Motion 3

Cllr Clarance presented a Motion on saving Teignmouth hospital from closure.

This was seconded by Cllr MacGregor and




The Secretary of State be asked to examine the case for the retention of Teignmouth Hospital, stopping the eventual closure and return it to a fully functioning Hospital with recuperation beds to help out a hard pressed NHS.


Motion 4

Cllr J Taylor presented a Motion on the live streaming of public council meetings.


Two-thirds of Members present did not agree to debate the matter and therefore the matter was referred to the Audit Scrutiny Committee