Agenda item

22/01597/FUL - Alexandra Cinema, Newton Abbot


The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application to the Committee.


Public Speaker, Supporter – Spoke on:

·       Cultural Hub for town

·       Atrium extension necessary

·       Income generation from bar/café area


Comments from Councillors during debate included:

·       Size of auditorium

·       View from the extension

·       Decision should not consider viability

·       Atrium has attractive design

·       Why is the business plan condition necessary?

·       Harm must be justified with public benefit

·       Atrium provides public benefit


In response Officers clarified the following:

·       No complaints from highways

·       Balance between harm and public benefit

·       The business plan helps offset the less than substantial harm and is essential for the officer recommendation


It was proposed by Councillor Macgregor and seconded by Councillor Hall that permission be granted as set out but with the removal of condition 3. Officers considered that the removal of this condition would change their recommendation from approval to refusal.


A vote was taken. The result was 4 in favour, 8 against, and 2 abstentions, therefore the vote was lost.


It was proposed by Councillor and seconded by Councillor that permission be granted as set out in the report.


A vote was taken. The result was 8 in favour, 4 against, and 2 abstentions.




That permission be granted subject to conditions addressing the following matters, the precise number and form of which shall be delegated to the Head of Development Management:


1.     Standard three year time limit for commencement

2.     Development to proceed in accordance with the approved drawings

3.     Any works in association with or construction of the atrium extension shall not commence until a phasing plan for the development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development to proceed only in accordance with the agreed phasing approach. The phased approach must secure the restoration of the single theatre/auditorium prior to or alongside the construction of the atrium-style southern extension.

4.     Detailed drawings of off-site highway works to realigned footway (as requested by the Environment Agency) to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any works to the atrium-style southern extension. Development to proceed only in accordance with the agreed footway design.

5.     Resilience and resistance measures to protect against flood risk to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any works to the atrium-style southern extension. Development to proceed only in accordance with the agreed measures.

6.     Prior to occupation, flood emergency evacuation plan to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning. Plan to be made available to all occupants.

7.     Development works to proceed in accordance with the precautions, measures and enhancements described in the Bat and Protected Species Survey.

8.     Replacement tree planting to be secured.

9.     Installation of cycle parking to be secured.

10.Programme of works to increase public understanding of Frank Matcham, prominent theatre architect from Newton Abbot. Details of which to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and thereafter implemented.

11.Proposals for the development to reduce its carbon impact to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and thereafter implemented.

12.Details of rooflights and requirement to lie flush as indicated on elevation drawings

13.Slate sample

14.Eaves details and rain water goods specifications

15.External new windows and doors specifications

16.Brick plinth sample

Supporting documents: