Agenda item

DODDISCOMBSLEIGH - 18/01782/FUL - Mistleigh Farm Barns, Doddiscombsleigh - - Extension to the existing barn, installation of satellite and attachment of solar panels

Extension to the existing barn, installation of satellite and attachment of solar panels.



It was proposed by Councillor Prowse, seconded by Councillor Nutley and




Permission be granted subject to the following conditions:

1. Development to proceed in accordance with the approved plans.

2. No external lighting shall be installed on the building including extension without the prior submission and approval of an External Lighting Scheme.

3. Building shall be used only for the storage of historic and classic vehicles and no vehicles of less than 20 years of age shall be stored or worked upon within the building.

4. No storage of parts shall take place under the extension hereby permitted other than the storage of the solar panel batteries shown on drawing TDC4 (Floor Plan) and a vehicle shall only be stored in the extension during daylight hours where it complies with condition 8 .

5. Only the area marked as workshop area on the indicative storage layout diagram received on 13 April 2018 under application reference 18/00801/VAR and hereby approved shall be used as a workshop. This designated area shall only be used to repair and maintain the vehicles stored within the building and all other areas of the building shall be used for the storage of historic and classic vehicles of more than 20 years of age and parts associated with these vehicles only.

6. No overnight parking of vehicles or storage of parts shall take place on the site outside of the building as extended.

7. No vehicle parts or scrap materials shall be stored outside the building at any time.

8. During daylight hours historic and classic vehicles of more than 20 years of age shall only be stored on the hardstanding area (or under the extension) hereby approved when space is needed inside the building to undertake works on historic and classic vehicles of more than 20 years of age. Only one such vehicle shall be stored on the hardstanding to provide space within the building at any one time.

9. The hardstanding area shall only be used for the parking of two passenger vehicles for the owner to access the site and no commercial vehicles and associated plant or trailers are to be brought onto the site other than for the purpose of transporting historic and/or classic vehicles or conducting maintenance work to the land and/or building.

10. No parts or machinery shall be stored within the building (excluding the extension hereby approved) other than those needed to repair the historic and classic vehicles of more than 20 years old stored within it or materials necessary for undertaking maintenance and/or repair work to the building and/or land including means of enclosure. The storage of such materials shall only be in the areas as depicted on the indicative storage layout diagram received on 13 April 2018.

11. Repair and maintenance works shall at no time be undertaken outside the building or in the extension hereby approved.

12. All doors to the building (excluding the extension hereby approved) shall be kept shut whilst noise generating equipment is being used to facilitate the repair and maintenance of classic and historic vehicles of more than 20 years old stored within it.

13. Noise arising from the use of the building including any equipment or machinery associated with the use shall not exceed more than 5dB above the background noise levels prevailing at the time of operation measured at the boundaries of the site.

14. No burning of waste created from the use of the building shall take place on the site.

15. The extension structure shall be clad in profile cladding in a colour to match the existing.

(14 votes for and 0 against)

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