Agenda item

Performance Report 2018-19 Q4

To consider the report attached.


Eve Bates, Corporate Policy & Projects Officer and Steve Wotton, Finance Systems Manager presented the Council’s quarter four 2018-19 strategy performance report.


Members were advised that the Council Strategy was formally adopted by Full Council in April 2016 and would run until the end of the financial year 2025/26.  It was the Council’s top overarching business plan. The contents, actions and expected outcomes within it were based on the statistical evidence and ensured that the Council focused on the key areas and improvements to ensure Teignbridge remains a healthy, desirable place where people want to live, work and visit.


There were 10 Super Projects each led by a Manager and Portfolio Holder who were responsible for driving forward the projects, performance indicators, regularly monitoring and reviewing their delivery.


Members were advised of the Councils key achievements for 2018/19:


·         Household waste recycling was 56.32%  Teignbridge would be either top or having one of the top recycling rates out of all the Devon authorities

·         Amount of residual household waste per household for 2018/19 was 337.44 kgs, the lowest figure ever reported at Teignbridge

·         Reduced the number of empty homes to 0.54% below the national average of 0.85%  - had been a reduction year on year for the last 10 years

·         92% of registered businesses have a food hygiene rating of five

·         250 vulnerable and elderly residents had received assistance to remain in their own homes

·         289 properties had received free or subsidised energy efficiency measures to improve their homes, just under 500 since the start of the strategy

·         98% return rate of registration of elector’s forms during the canvas in 2018/19

·         The Council itself recycled 38.5% of waste produced

·         Less miles were travelled in 2018/19 for operational work purposes than in the previous year

·         Less gas, electricity and water consumption was used across Council assets in 2018/19 than in the previous year.


In response to comments and questions from Members, the Committee was advised:-


·         CSROH 5.1 - Number of rough sleepers - Outreach Workers regularly go out and speak to rough sleepers, offering advice and assistance. There had been success in reducing the number of rough sleepers from 7 to 1.

·         CSROH 5.2 & 5.3 - Homelessness prevented - the targets would be reviewed to reflect changes to legislation.

·         Clarification why grants for disabled facilities to reduce homelessness are included in the data but no other benefits included. – attached to minutes

·         Empty properties - the data included empty properties managed by Teign Housing; no empty dwelling management orders were issued by Teignbridge in the past year; 0.54% equated to 338 empty homes

·         CSROH 1.3 Number of self-build homes provided – the Council Policy was for a target of 5% allocation of self-build homes, this was not a National requirement

·         CSGP 1.1 Satisfaction with new development in your area - survey was sent to people who had bought new housing, the drop could be for various reasons which include living on a building site most comments were on the build quality rather than the overall development.

·         CSGP 2.1 Satisfaction with open space / play facilities on new residential developments - lower satisfaction level could be because some developments were being built out and open spaces were not always delivered first. Standards and Compliance were being reviewed. Result regarding occupation of new development showed migration from within TQ and EX postcodes – survey results were available on-line, data excludes national parks – attached to minutes

·         CSGP 3.1 Number of conservation areas with appraisal & management plan adopted within the last 5 years – looking at Programme of works to achieve the target, officer had to prioritise other projects including the Wolborough enquiry

·         CSHAH 5.9 Working days lost due to sickness absence – av/all employees – TDC HR – attached to minutes

·         CSIIP 1.3 Planning appeals allowed – a breakdown of the appeal reasons – attached to minutes

Decision maker

No. of Decisions

Recommendation overturned

Appeal Allowed

% Approved

Planning Committee




5/9 = 55%





12/40 = 30%


In response to a Member, it was clarified that Members would be invited to a member workshop session on Monday 2 September 2019 to find out what the priorities are in the District and feed in their ideas. 


The Chairman asked that if possible Portfolio Holders and Officers were available to answer questions on items of concern at Committee. 


The Chairman asked that a cross-party Spot Light review take place to look at the performance measures and the way that Performance Monitoring Figures were reported to Committee.


RESOLVED that the report to be noted.

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