Agenda item

DAWLISH - 20/00933/NPA - Coastguards Breakwater To Colonnades Breakwater And Dawlish Railway Station, Station Road - Application for prior approval of siting and appearance under Part 18 Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) 2015 of proposed Coastal Resilience Works to Railway Infrastructure to include a new taller sea wall between two existing breakwaters incorporating a wider higher public promenade with a link structure to join Marine Parade and new ramped pedestrian access to beach adjacent to and adjoining the railway station. Other works to include the demolition of the coastguards building, works to the station including reconstructed downside station platform, new accessible passenger footbridge and refurbishment of passenger waiting room


This application was debated concurrently with the next application. The debate has been recorded as part of item 2 in these minutes.


It was proposed by Councillor J Petherick and seconded by Councillor Haines that approval be granted as set out in the agenda report and updates sheet.


A roll call was taken.




Councillors Haines, Goodman-Bradbury, Bullivant, Clarance, Colclough, Cox, Jeffery, Jenks, Kerswell, MacGregor, Nutley, Patch, Parker, Petherick, and Dewhirst.


Total: 15




Councillor Bradford


Total: 1




Councillors Hayes and Wrigley.


Total: 2


Councillor Russell did not vote as she was not present for the whole debate.


Resolved that


PRIOR APPROVAL BE GRANTED subject to but not limited to conditions addressing the following matters, the precise wording of the conditions to be determined under delegated authority by the Business Manager – Strategic Place:


1) Schedule of external materials to be agreed with submission of sample panels, including hard surfaced areas, walls, fences, platform finish etc.

2) Details of design and materials of new railings, handrails, benches, gates etc

3) Detailed schedule of works to downside station building to include measures identified in Appendix C of the Historic Statement including timescale for implementation and completion.

4) Details of re-use of gas standard posts

5) CEMP to include submission of an archaeological geophysical survey of the station carpark to assess the potential for the buried remains of the early atmospheric railway pumping station and its ancillary structures and to include a report on the interpretation of the ground-survey and the standing structures to inform (a) the level of protection, required; and (b) the logistical disposition of any blocks, stores, stacks, and offices et al within the proposed compound.

6) Specification of external lighting

7) Details of heritage boards in terms of size and location

8) Specification of alterations to Coastguards footbridge

9) Phasing plan for implementation of works

10) Timescale for completion of new accessible footbridge

11) Schedule of alterations to the listed station including changes to canopies

12) Annual monitoring of changes to levels of beach and in the event of accelerated loss of sand submission and implementation of a scheme to address impact of new wall on beach levels.

13) Details of drainage system to include the station, promenade and public realm including maintenance regime.

14) Provision of cycle parking

15) Provision of bird/bat nesting boxes

16) Details of biodiversity enhancement measures to be provided at Dawlish Water Basin and the pocket park to include maintenance details for 10 years.

17) Pre- and post-construction Sabellaria alveolata condition surveys

18) Detailed design of Dawlish Water Basin

19) Details of height of fence above wall dividing station platform and new promenade

20) Construction Management Plan to include protection of back wall of former pumping station in the station car park.

21) Details of signage to include access and egress in the Colonnades area relating to fluvial and coastal events.

22) Details of how the historic legacy of the Boat House will be acknowledged.

23) Details of public art at the Dawlish Water Basin and adjacent to Coastguards Breakwater.

24) Detailed plans of development adjacent to Coastguards Breakwater to include how the development abuts the breakwater.

25) Details of an external lighting scheme between the Colonnades Bridge and the station.


Supporting documents: