Agenda item

17./2480/MAJ Higher Exeter Road, Teignmouth


The Senior Planning Officer presented the application to the Committee.


Public Speaker, Objector – Spoke On:

·         Air source heat pump is inadequate

·         Loss of trees despite TPO

·         Lack of schools in area

·         Local flood authority could reject

·         Risk of Flooding

·         LEMP report

·         Overabundance of vehicles

·         Environmental issues


Public Speaker, Supporter – Spoke on:

·         Policy compliant application

·         EV charging points

·         64 affordable homes

·         Harrington homes well reputed


Comments from Councillors include:

·         Trees must be removed to provide accessibility

·         Concerns over drainage and flooding

·         The hill is too steep

·         South West Water are controversial

·         Outside TE3 area

·         Too many houses in development

·         Lack of parking

·         Concerns over discharge into river Teign

·         Increased rainfall

·         Air quality issues

·         Increased pollution

·         Conforms with local plan

·         Concerns about land supply

·         Concerns about cost of appeal

·         Overlapping housing


The Senior Planning Officer infirmed the committee that outline planning permission cannot be revisited and covered several areas of these comments. South West Water concerns are separate from the planning decision process. The lead flood authority works on the basis of climate change concern. The application was said to be compliant with the local plan.


The Business Managed commented that the TPO was in place so that there was control over which trees can be lost during development, meaning several trees had TPOs to ensure that they are not felled without consent. South West Water requisition process so SWW issues are not a reason for refusal. Also, it was said that the open space beyond boundary isn’t green belt, and that the principle of 255 dwellings was considered acceptable and needed to keep up with land supply. The Business Manager also advised the committee on how the land supply system was operated and that there was no capacity issue at Buckland for South West Water.


The Planning Solicitor advised that rejection of reserved matters needed to be relevant to reserved matters.


It was proposed by Councillor MacGregor and seconded by Councillor Bradford that permission be refused.


A vote was taken – see attached. The vote was lost.


It was proposed by Councillor Goodman-Bradbury and seconded by Councillor Parker that permission be granted subject to the conditions outlined in the report.


A vote was taken – see attached.




That approval be granted subject to conditions covering the following matters, including the matters outlined within the consultation responses from the Biodiversity and Climate Change Officers set out below, the precise number and formation of the conditions to be delegated to the Business Manager – Strategic Place:

1.    List of approved plans and documents.

2.    Prior to commencement, a revised Site LEMP shall be submitted and approved.

3.    Prior to commencement, full details of a Lighting Strategy shall be submitted and approved.

4.    Prior to commencement, full details of Dark Corridors shall be submitted and approved.

5.    Prior to the installation of any other lighting, including exterior lighting to individual properties, full details shall be submitted and approved.

6.    Prior to commencement, updated soft landscaping plans and updated planting schedules shall be submitted and approved, to include Corky-fruited water-dropwort.

7.    Prior to commencement of each phase, full details of soft landscape works, including planting plans for that phase, shall be submitted and approved.

8.    Prior to commencement of each phase, full details of tree protection measures for that phased shall be submitted and approved.

9.    Prior to commencement of each phase, standard of trees, planting pit and underground crating system details shall be submitted and approved.

10.Prior to demolition of Buddleford Grange replacement bat roost to be constructed and completed.

11.Prior to commencement of each phase, full details of biodiversity enhancement measures for that phase shall be submitted and approved and shall make provision for a minimum of 1 bat/bird box per dwelling.

12.The development shall meet or outperform standards against the fabric specification set out in section 4.2.6 of the updated Carbon Reduction Plan and shall include provision of air source heat pumps and solar PV. Prior to commencement of each phase, updated Policy S7 demonstration calculator and supporting representative pre-construction SAP reports shall be submitted and approved.

13.EV charging infrastructure to be installed, at a minimum, of one per each dwelling with off-street parking.

14.Prior to commencement of each phase which includes affordable housing, details of facilities for the affordable housing units, including bin and bike storage and drying facilities, shall be submitted and approved.

15.Full details of external materials and architectural features prior to any building within that phase reaching d.p.c level; submitted details to include render colours which, for the avoidance of doubt shall include a mixed pallet of chalk and pastel shades, and front door colours, which shall also be mixed.

16.LLFA condition for detailed assessment of the existing highway drainage on Higher Exeter Road and works to existing ditches on site.

17.Bio-retention tree pit details to be submitted and approved.

18.Hard surfacing details shall be submitted and approved including full details of porous paving.

19.Full details of formal and informal play space including equipment, surfacing, fencing, and maintenance shall be submitted and approved.

20.Car parking and cycle storage shall be provided prior to initial occupation of the relevant dwellings.

21.Notwithstanding the submitted plans, full details of bin storage facilities and collection points with bin stores visible within the public realm finished in render or brick and not timber shall be submitted and approved.

22.Full details of each public art installation including an implementation timetable for each phase shall be submitted and approved prior to initial occupation of that phase. In addition, an informative setting out the outstanding conditions and obligations attached to the outline planning permission

Supporting documents: