Committee attendance

Audit Scrutiny Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Bill Thorne 0
Councillor Dave Rollason 1
Councillor Sally Morgan 1
Councillor Chris Clarance 0
Councillor Huw Cox 1
Councillor Liam Mullone 0
Councillor Linda Goodman-Bradbury 1
Councillor Mary Colclough 1
Full Council, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Jackie Hook 3
Councillor Bill Thorne 3
Councillor Dave Rollason 2
Councillor Ron Peart 1
Councillor Colin Parker 3
Councillor John Nutley 3
Councillor Sally Morgan 3
Councillor Richard Keeling 3
Councillor Robert Hayes 3
Councillor David Cox 2
Councillor Chris Clarance 3
Councillor Phil Bullivant 3
Councillor Martin Wrigley 3
Councillor Huw Cox 3
Councillor Andrew MacGregor 2
Councillor Janet Bradford 2
Councillor Liam Mullone 3
Councillor Linda Goodman-Bradbury 3
Councillor Gary Taylor 3
Councillor Alison Foden 2
Councillor Andrew Swain 3
Councillor Stephen Purser 3
Councillor Charles Nuttall 2
Councillor Mary Colclough 3
Councillor Nina Jeffries 3
Councillor Richard Daws 3
Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 and 2, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Bill Thorne 1
Councillor Dave Rollason 1
Councillor Colin Parker 1
Councillor John Nutley 0
Councillor David Cox 1
Councillor Chris Clarance 0
Councillor Phil Bullivant 1
Councillor Huw Cox 1
Councillor Andrew MacGregor 1
Councillor Liam Mullone 0
Councillor Linda Goodman-Bradbury 0
Councillor Alison Foden 1
Councillor Andrew Swain 1
Councillor Stephen Purser 1
Councillor Charles Nuttall 1
Councillor Richard Daws 0
Licensing and Regulatory Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Dave Rollason 1
Councillor John Nutley 2
Councillor Robert Hayes 2
Councillor David Cox 2
Councillor Chris Clarance 2
Councillor Janet Bradford 2
Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee, 7 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Dave Rollason 2
Councillor John Nutley 2
Councillor Robert Hayes 4
Councillor David Cox 2
Councillor Janet Bradford 3
Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 (until May 2024), 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Bill Thorne 1
Councillor Dave Rollason 1
Councillor Colin Parker 2
Councillor John Nutley 2
Councillor David Cox 1
Councillor Chris Clarance 2
Councillor Martin Wrigley 1
Councillor Huw Cox 1
Councillor Andrew MacGregor 1
Councillor Liam Mullone 1
Councillor Alison Foden 0