Strata is a partnership which shares ICT services between East Devon, Exeter and Teignbridge District Councils. Strata is a stand-alone limited company which is owned and controlled equally by the three councils. The company is made up of ICT staff from each of the councils ensuring that vital experience and expertise is retained within the organisations.
The Councils have appointed the Joint Scrutiny Committee (JSC) to scrutinise the operation and performance of Strata and its governance arrangements. More specifically the JSC’s role is to:
· review and/or scrutinise decisions made or actions taken in connection with the discharge of any of the JEC’s functions;
· make reports and/or recommendations to the Full Council of each Council and/or the JEC in connection with the discharge of any functions;
· exercise the right to call-in, for reconsideration decisions made but not yet implemented by the JEC;
· consider the decisions of the JEC that have been called-in and make recommendations to the JEC;
· appoint sub-committees, working parties and review group for particular matters; and
· report annually to each Full Council on its workings and make recommendations for amended working methods if appropriate.
Strata JEC and JSC terms of reference (