Issue - decisions

Grant Thornton:


Members noted the report which provided a summary of the work in progress within Teignbridge


The Audit Manager for Grant Thornton advised that there were no material errors identified within the accounts, nor any adjustments required to figures which would result in a change to income or expenditure or balance sheet lines.  He confirmed that he would be providing an unqualified opinion on the Value for Money work, further that the working on the Housing Benefit claim would be concluded by November 2017.  Members’ attention was drawn to Grant Thornton’s position regarding materiality.


In response to a request, the Audit Manager confirmed that future reports would not use the short form ‘K’ when referring to thousands of pounds, this would be written in full. 


The Chairman and Members thanked the accounts team and the external auditors for their working in completing the year end accounts.




To note the report.