Issue - decisions

ILSINGTON - 20/00434/FUL - Trago Mills , Liverton - Construction of a new secondary access to rear of site

10/07/2020 - ILSINGTON - 20/00434/FUL - Trago Mills , Liverton - Construction of a new secondary access to rear of site

It was proposed by Councillor Patch and seconded by Councillor J Petherick that the application be refused due to being contrary to policies S1 and S22.


A roll call was taken.




Cllrs Bradford, Colclough, H Cox, Hayes, J Hook, Kerswell, MacGregor, Nutley, Nuttall, Parker, Patch, Petherick, and Wrigley.


Total: 13




Cllrs Bullivant, Clarance, Jeffery, Keeling, Haines and Goodman-Bradbury


Total: 6




That planning permission be refused due to concerns of highway safety.


Note: The decision to refuse the application was against officer recommendation. The Committee considered this application unacceptable for the reasons below.


Statement of Reason

The Committee considered this application unacceptable due to being contrary to policies S1 and S22 as a result of the impact on highway safety.