
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published

25/01/2019 - Land at Station Road, Bovey Tracey ref: 178    Recommendations Approved

To grant a lease to Bovey Tracey Town Council.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Open Spaces, Leisure, Sport, Resorts and Tourism

Decision published: 19/03/2019

Effective from: 05/02/2019


The disposal of part of the freehold interest of Station Road car park to Bovey Tracey Town Council, at less than best consideration, so that it may be used for construction of a community hub


The grant of a 20 year lease to Bovey Tracey Town Council to construct, and have access to, a maintenance shed in Station Road car park, and


The grant of an easement to install 3 surface attenuation tanks beneath part of the Council’s car park.


Further Portfolio Holder consent is sought to authorise £75,000 Open Spaces S 106 funding to contribute towards the provision of new public toilets within the community centre, to serve Mill Marsh Park.


These are not considered to be key decisions but consultation with the ward councillors and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, is recommended.


Wards affected: Bovey;

Lead officer: Chris Smith

20/02/2019 - Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard in Private Rented Accommodation ref: 181    Recommendations Approved

To approve the appended addendum to the Housing enforcement policy which includes the implementation of maximum penalties for non-compliance with the regulations.

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Planning

Decision published: 07/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Alison Dolley