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Gifts and hospitalities
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Please select a councillor
Atkins, Councillor Joan Atkins
Bradford, Councillor Janet Bradford
Bullivant, Councillor Phil Bullivant
Buscombe, Councillor Richard Buscombe
Clarance, Councillor Chris Clarance
Cox, Councillor David Cox
Cox, Councillor Huw Cox
Daws, Councillor Richard Daws
Dawson, Councillor Rosie Dawson
Farrand-Rogers, Councillor John Farrand-Rogers
Foden, Councillor Alison Foden
Gearon, Councillor Keeley Gearon
Goodman-Bradbury, Councillor Linda Goodman-Bradbury
Hall, Councillor Alex Hall
Hayes, Councillor Robert Hayes
Henderson, Councillor Andy Henderson
Hook, Councillor Jackie Hook
Jackman, Councillor Michael Jackman
James, Councillor Mike James
Jeffries, Councillor Nina Jeffries
Keeling, Councillor Richard Keeling
Lake, Councillor Kevin Lake
MacGregor, Councillor Andrew MacGregor
Major, Councillor Jack Major
Morgan, Councillor Sally Morgan
Mullone, Councillor Liam Mullone
Nutley, Councillor John Nutley
Nuttall, Councillor Charles Nuttall
Palethorpe, Councillor David Palethorpe
Parker, Councillor Colin Parker
Parker, Councillor Paul Parker
Parrott, Councillor John Parrott
Peart, Councillor Ron Peart
Purser, Councillor Stephen Purser
Radford, Councillor John Radford
Rogers, Councillor Stuart Rogers
Rollason, Councillor Dave Rollason
Ryan, Councillor Mike Ryan
Sanders, Councillor Suzanne Sanders
Smith, Councillor Martin Smith
Steemson, Councillor Robert Steemson
Swain, Councillor Andrew Swain
Taylor, Councillor Gary Taylor
Taylor, Councillor Jane Taylor
Thorne, Councillor Bill Thorne
Webster, Councillor Stuart Webster
Williams, Councillor Peter Williams
Wrigley, Councillor Martin Wrigley
Registered gifts and hospitalities
There are no gifts or hospitalities for this period