
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published

15/07/2020 - Declarations of Interest ref: 346    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Standards Committee

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Standards Committee

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


There were no declarations of interest.


15/07/2020 - Standards Investigation ref: 345    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Standards Committee

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Standards Committee

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020




The decision notice be published, thereby publicly censuring Cllr Daws’s conduct.


It be noted that if the Committee had the power to suspend Cllr Daws from being a councillor (a power which was previously available to councils and may be reintroduced in the future), the Committee would have suspended Cllr Daws.


Cllr Daws is requested to write within 10 working days of this decision being notified to him, an unequivocal letter of apology (the content of such to be approved in advance by the Monitoring Officer and Chairman of Standards Committee) to those officers to whom the Committee has found he was disrespectful.


The Committee sends a letter to all staff within the Council making it clear that the Council will not tolerate disrespectful conduct by councillors towards staff.




RECOMMENDATION to Full Council:-


The requirement that a failure to comply with relevant protocols including the Members’ Code of Conduct and security requirements be formally confirmed with reference to new provisions in the Code.


Decision Notice Attached.

07/07/2020 - NEWTON ABBOT - 16/02693/MAJ - Land At Berry Knowles, Bovey Road - Outline application for residential development (up to 135 dwellings), access from Old Exeter Road, public open space, landscaping and associated works and infrastructure (approval sou ref: 342    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 07/07/2020 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 10/07/2020

Effective from: 07/07/2020


It was proposed by Councillor Bullivant and seconded by Councillor Clarance that planning permission be granted subject to conditions outlined in the agenda report and update sheet.


Cllr Haines did not vote on the application as he was not able to view the whole discussion.


A roll call was taken.




Cllrs Bullivant, Clarance, Colclough, Hayes, J Hook, Jeffery, Keeling, MacGregor, Nutley, Parker, J Petherick, and Goodman-Bradbury.


Total: 12




Cllrs Bradford, H Cox, and Patch.


Total: 3




Cllrs Kerswell, Nuttall and Wrigley.


Total: 3




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions as well as applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement to secure, as a minimum, the following matters as well as any additional material matters arising from the receipt of further consultation responses, with the final drafting to be delegated to the Business Manager Strategic Place:


·         Delivery of 30% affordable housing (based on the number of dwellings progressed through reserved matters) to meet local needs at a tenure split of

·         70% Rented and 30% Intermediate. 5% to be wheelchair accessible; 20% of the Affordable housing would be required to be delivered to step free (accessible/adaptable Part M4 L2) specification. Dwelling should be tenure blind and spread throughout the development

·         20% of total number of dwellings to be Custom Build

·         21,259.80 financial contribution towards the provision of an a Bat Roost

·         Financial contribution towards dormouse mitigation, including a 10% net gain

·         £5000 financial contribution towards an Application for Traffic Order to extend the 30 MPH speed limit

·         £200 per dwelling (as progressed through reserved matters) financial contribution towards Travel Packs

·         Jetty Marsh II land - To offer the land to DCC, sufficient for the road corridor and permanent infrastructure, with provision for necessary land take adjustments, broadly in accordance with Plan TBC,

·         Jetty Marsh II works - To offer to DCC both the land at nil cost or £1 and the available fill material for £600,000 to be exercised in conjunction with the above transfers and used as groundworks build up to enable the placement of the material by DCC on the alignment of the JMII link

·          Secure where relevant mitigation in the Appropriate Assessment (AA)

·         Details of formal play to be approved (including quantum, location, layout, implementation, management and maintenance);

·         Details of public open space to be approved (including quantum, location layout, implementation, management and maintenance);


And Subject to conditions addressing the following matters (ward members to be consulted):


·         Submission of reserved matters (scale, appearance, landscaping and layout) required prior to commencement;

·         Reserved matters to be submitted within 3 years (5 years for custom-build plots);

·         Development shall commence before the expiry of 2 years from the date of final reserved matters;

·         Development to be carried out in accordance with the approved plans;

·         Phasing details to be submitted (to include construction access, estate roads, landscaping);

·         Full details of surface water drainage management system and foul drainage to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval to comply with the submitted Flood Risk Assessment;

·         Full details of surface water drainage management system during the construction period to be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority;

·         Full details of the adoption and maintenance arrangements for the permanent surface water drainage management system;

·         Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) Biodiversity and Construction;

·         Landscape & Ecology Management Plan (LEMP);

·         Hard surfacing to include detailed design of the footways/cycle path, drainage as well as other hard surfaces (Highways condition);

·         Site access road shall be hardened, surfaced, drained and maintained to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority prior to first occupation;

·         No development shall take place until details of the layout and construction of the access have been approved;

·         Off-Site Highway Works - The off-site highway works as shown on drawing no. 0173.109 shall be constructed and made available for use before any other part of the development commences;

·         Off-Site Highway Works - No occupation shall take place on site until the off-site highway works as shown on drawing no. 0173.121, 0173.106 have been constructed and made available for use;

·         A scheme for a strategy for pedestrian / cycle connectivity including timetable for implementation;

·         No development shall take place until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation:

·         Submission of a detailed lighting assessment (of impacts at both construction and operational phases);

·         Provision of bird and bat boxes at a rate of 1 per dwelling;

·         Tree protection details to be submitted for approval;

·         Waste Audit Statement to be submitted for approval;

·         Full details of the hedge replacement shall be proposals to the eastern boundary shall be submitted to and approved by the LPA;

·         Design code for the custom build dwellings to be submitted for approval;

·         Design Code for entire site/parameter plan

·         Carbon Reduction Plan

·         Food Warning and Evacuation

·         Finished floor levels of habitable dwellings shall be set no lower than 6.3mAOD

·         Finished surface levels of garden and parking areas shall be set no lower than 5.85mAOD.

·         Scheme to ensure that there is no net loss of floodplain storage as a result of any necessary reprofiling works

·         Conditions to secure, where relevant, any other measures required to secure priority protected species

·         Local food to be incorporated into landscape proposals at the reserved matters stage; and,

·         Inclusion of electric vehicle charging points.


07/07/2020 - ILSINGTON - 20/00434/FUL - Trago Mills , Liverton - Construction of a new secondary access to rear of site ref: 341    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 07/07/2020 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 10/07/2020

Effective from: 07/07/2020


It was proposed by Councillor Patch and seconded by Councillor J Petherick that the application be refused due to being contrary to policies S1 and S22.


A roll call was taken.




Cllrs Bradford, Colclough, H Cox, Hayes, J Hook, Kerswell, MacGregor, Nutley, Nuttall, Parker, Patch, Petherick, and Wrigley.


Total: 13




Cllrs Bullivant, Clarance, Jeffery, Keeling, Haines and Goodman-Bradbury


Total: 6




That planning permission be refused due to concerns of highway safety.


Note: The decision to refuse the application was against officer recommendation. The Committee considered this application unacceptable for the reasons below.


Statement of Reason

The Committee considered this application unacceptable due to being contrary to policies S1 and S22 as a result of the impact on highway safety.

07/07/2020 - BOVEY TRACEY - 19/01532/FUL - Brian Harris Ltd, Pottery Road - Change of Use from commercial vehicle repairers (B2) to Use Classes B1, B2 & B8 with ancillary Sui Generis use for electric moped/motorcycle test facilities with wholesale distribution ref: 340    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 07/07/2020 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 10/07/2020

Effective from: 07/07/2020


It was proposed by Councillor Haines and seconded by Councillor Wrigley that the application be approved as set out in the agenda report.


Councillor Bullivant did not vote on the application as he did not hear the entire discussion.


A roll call was taken




Cllrs H Cox, Goodman-Bradbury, Haines, Hayes, J Hook, Jeffery, Keeling, MacGregor, Nutley, Nuttall, Parker, J Petherick and Wrigley.


Total: 13




Cllrs Bradford, Kerswell, and Patch.


Total: 3




Cllrs Clarance and Colclough.


Total: 2




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions


1. Development to be carried out in accordance with the approved plans

2. Within one month, beginning with the date on which this permission is granted, the parking facilities as detailed on the approved plans shall be provided and retained for that purpose at all times for the life of the development.

3. Works likely to give rise to significant levels of noise, which would include vehicle movements, shall be limited to Monday to Friday 0800 1800 and Saturday 0800 1300. There shall be no works likely to give rise to significant levels of noise outside of these times, or on Sundays or on Bank Holidays;

4. Prior to the installation of any external lighting on the outside of buildings or elsewhere on the site, full details shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval.

07/07/2020 - Appeal Decisions - to note appeal decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate. ref: 344    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 07/07/2020 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 10/07/2020

Effective from: 07/07/2020


The Committee noted decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate.

07/07/2020 - Minutes ref: 343    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 07/07/2020 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 07/07/2020

Effective from: 07/07/2020


It was agreed that the completed minutes from the meeting of 23 June would be signed as a correct record at the next meeting.