Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 21st November, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4XX


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To confirm the minutes of the last meeting.

Additional documents:


It was proposed by Councillor Parker and seconded by Councillor Nutley that the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as a correct record and signed by the chair.


A vote was taken.




That the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as a correct record and signed by the chair.


22/01042/MAJ - Gatehouse Farm , Dawlish pdf icon PDF 878 KB

Additional documents:


The Planning Officer presented the application to the Committee.


Public Speaker, Supporter – Spoke on:

·       Biodiversity area

·       Footpaths

·       New trees planted

·       Green infrastructure

·       Green corridor

·       Landscape and drainage info provided

·       Link road


Comments from Councillors included:

·       Concerns around mud

·       Concerns around safety

·       South West Water concerns

·       Need for strategic sewer

·       Concerns about run off water

·       Town Council concerns

·       Bat corridor

·       Concerns about children crossing

·       Lacking enough affordable housing

·       Shortfall for play area

·       No air source heat pumps

·       Concerns about access to green space

·       Safety audit would be useful

·       Viability

·       Flooding risk

·       Consideration of reserved matters


In response Officers clarified that:

·       Policy allows for a lower amount of affordable housing

·       Ensure that the committee determines the reserved matters application


It was proposed by Councillor J Taylor and seconded by Councillor Hall that permission be granted but that any visible changes would require the application to return to Committee.


A vote was taken - the result was 4 for, 8 against, and 1 abstained. The proposal was therefore lost.


It was proposed by Councillor C Parker and seconded by Councillor Sanders that permission be granted as set out.


A vote was taken – the result was 9 for, 2 against and 4 abstained.




That permission be granted as set out subject to the following conditions:


1.     Accord with approved plans.

2.     Prior to commencement, full details of link road join into Area 3 to include details of cycle paths, pedestrian paths, signage and road markings.

3.     Completion in accordance with approved WSI before occupation.

4.     Details of tree pits before construction of road (other than the section already with consent) and locations of underground service runs to ensure no conflict with planted trees.

5.     Trees to BS 8545:2014 standard; landscaping implementation, maintenance and replanting within 5 years if any die.

6.     Sheds/cycle parking details for every dwelling to be submitted. To be provided before occupation of open market dwellings and handover of AH.

7.     Bin storage details for all dwellings to be submitted and provided before occupation.

8.     Architectural details and materials of dwellings before reaching damp proof course.

9.     Details of boundaries, any under build to dwellings and retaining wall details before their construction. Any boundaries directly fronting open space/GI shall be brick walls, not timber fencing.

10.Details of Solar PV and installed/operational before occupation plus compliance with Energy Report.

11. Details for BNG (bat, bird and bee boxes, hedgehog holes) to be submitted and provided before occupation.

12.Timing of works at sunrise/sunset to avoid bat disturbance.

13.No lighting to be installed on site (except for domestic lighting on properties on timers) above that agreed in the approved lighting scheme; further details to be submitted and agreed if this changes. The northern and western dark corridors to be maintained at or below 0.5 lux.

14.Marking out of allocated parking and retention of parking spaces thereafter. Garages to remain as garages and not converted to living accommodation.

15.Works to accord with the Arboricultural Method Statement and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67a


22/01067/MAJ - Gatehouse Farm, Dawlish pdf icon PDF 823 KB

Additional documents:


The Business Manager introduced the application to the Committee


Public Speaker, Supporter – Spoke on:

·       Main road width is agreeable

·       Parking spaces on road

·       Road corridor is agreeable

·       Sewage flow

·       Road heights

·       Heating

·       Cycle route

·       S106 ensures visibility changes come to committee

·       Range of properties

·       Contribution to red rock centre and infrastructure


Comments from Councillors included:

·       Play area

·       Need for bike protection

·       Tree in play space is safety concern

·       Water hazard

·       Town Council concerns

·       Lack of affordable units

·       Dwellings are unattractive

·       Self build plots

·       Flats are affordable/desirable to some


In response Officers clarified that:

·       Green infrastructure officer can address concerns

·       Condition 17 addresses concerns

·       Need to ensure people receive transport vouchers

·       19 percent affordable

·       Lumped flats but not affordable houses

·       Garages in houses act as storage points

·       Self build plots not part of affordable provision


It was proposed by Councillor Bullivant and seconded by Councillor Nutley that permission be granted as set out in the report.


A vote was taken – the result was 11 for, 2 against, and 0 abstained.




That permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.     Accord with approved plans.

2.     Prior to commencement, full details of link road join into Area 3 to include details of cycle paths, pedestrian paths, signage and road markings.

3.     Completion in accordance with approved WSI before occupation.

4.     Details of tree pits before construction of road (other than the section already with consent) and locations of underground service runs to ensure no conflict with planted trees.

5.     Trees to BS 8545:2014 standard; landscaping implementation, maintenance and replanting within 5 years if any die.

6.     Sheds/cycle parking details for every dwelling to be submitted. To be provided before occupation of open market dwellings and handover of AH.

7.     Bin storage details for all dwellings to be submitted and provided before occupation.

8.     Architectural details and materials of dwellings before reaching damp proof course.

9.     Details of boundaries, any under build to dwellings and retaining wall details before their construction. Any boundaries directly fronting open space/GI shall be brick walls, not timber fencing.

10.Details of solar panels and installed/operational before occupation before occupation plus compliance with Energy Report.

11.Details of BNG (bat, bird and bee boxes, hedgehog holes) to be submitted and provided before occupation.

12.Timing of works at sunrise/sunset to avoid bat disturbance.

13.No lighting to be installed on site (except for domestic lighting on properties on timers) above that agreed in the approved lighting scheme; further details to be submitted and agreed if this changes. The northern and western dark corridors to be maintained at or below 0.5 lux.

14.Marking out of allocated parking and retention of parking spaces thereafter. Garages to remain as garages and not converted to living accommodation.

15.Works to accord with the Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plans.

16.Details of and provision of electric car charging points before occupation.

17.LEAP water safety assessment with safety measures, if necessary, before LEAP is first brought into  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68.


E2/23/44 - Oakymead Park, Newton Abbot pdf icon PDF 467 KB

Additional documents:


The Business Manager introduced the application to the committee.


It was proposed by Councillor Bullivant and seconded by Councillor Nutley that the TPO be confirmed unmodified.


A vote was taken, all were in favour.




That the TPO be confirmed unmodified.


S73 Major Decisions Summary pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the Major Decisions Summary Sheet.


Appeal Decisions - to note appeal decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate. pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the appeals decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate.