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No. | Item |
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2020.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2021 were approved as a correct record and would be signed at the earliest convenience. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Public Questions Members of the Public may ask questions of the Leader or an Executive Member. A maximum period of 15 minutes will be allowed with a maximum of period of three minutes per questioner.
The deadline for questions is no later than 12 noon two working days before the date of the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: No public questions. |
Executive Forward Plan To note forthcoming decisions anticipated on the Executive Forward Plan
Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader referred to the Executive Forward Plan which detailed issues the Executive would consider over the next months. In regard to the Future High Street Fund funding approval, Councillors Daws and Mullone spoke in relation to the Alexandra Theatre building.
RESOLVED that the Forward Plan be noted. |
Striving to 60% Recycling for Teignbridge PDF 728 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Member for Recycling, Household Waste and Environmental Health presented the report to consider the challenges and approach to increasing the district’s recycling rate to at least 60%.The agenda report detailed 10 proposed actions for consideration of which actions 8 and 9 would be referred to Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1.
It was noted that a percentage of some recyclable materials such as food waste, and textiles were being disposed of in the black residual waste wheelie bins.
The Waste and Cleansing Manager advised that increasing residents’ participation in the recycling scheme already provided would increase the District’s recycling rate.
RESOLVED: That the 10 point action plan as set out in the report be approved as follows:
· Action 1 - Work to deliver waste education and behavioural change campaigns and initiatives using available resources, with a specific campaign linked to the availability of free of charge additional recycling containers to encourage greater participation.
· Action 2 - Work jointly through the Devon Authorities Strategic Waste Committee (DASWC), regionally and nationally on campaigns and initiatives.
· Action 3 - Deliver an intelligence led approach to compliance work focusing activities on new housing estates and other low participating areas to maximize participation in recycling services.
· Action 4 - Proactively seek external funding available to support recycling initiatives
· Action 5 - Work across departments to develop and improve systems to help deliver high levels of participation in waste and recycling services.
· Action 6 - Work to promote the garden waste service, including reference to the availability of additional bins and consider the option for properties to have greater than 3 garden waste bins
· Action 7 - Support the installation of on street recycling litter bins in line with the policy in place
· Action 8 - Review the additional bin policy to remove option or increase the charge levied
· Action 9 - Review the side waste policy to reduce the allowance from 3 times to once per year and consider introducing charges for this service.
· Action 10 - Continue to provide community recycling banks in recognition of the important role they play in maintaining high recycling rates within the district
The vote was unanimous. |
Revocation of Air Quality Management Areas PDF 205 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for Recycling, Household Waste and Environmental Health presented the report to revoke the Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) in Dawlish and Kingskerswell because the monitored levels of Nitrogen Dioxide were and had been year on year since 2016 consistently below government guidelines. Therefore the criteria necessary to revoke the AQMAs was satisfied.
Councillor Daws expressed concern about relaxing air quality management areas.
Monitoring air quality is a statutory requirement under the Environment Act 1995. The Environmental Protection Manager advised that improvements in air quality for the areas at Dawlish and Kingskerswell justified the revocation of the AQMAs. Monies saved would be used for other air quality monitoring within the District. Officers are working in partnership with Town Councils to improve air quality in the remaining AQMA’s. Work continues across the district to help improve air quality such as reviewing the taxi policy to reduce vehicle emissions from taxis.
The Executive was satisfied that information evidenced that the air quality standards and objectives were being achieved and were likely to continue within the areas of Kingskerswell and Dawlish.
(a) That the AQMA Iddesleigh Terrace, Dawlish Air Quality Management Area No.1 31st October 2005 and the A380 Kingskerswell Air Quality Managment Area No.2 31st October 2005, be revoked; and (b) Delegated authority be given to the Environmental Protection Manager to take such action as he considers appropriate in connection with the revocation.
The vote was unanimous. |