Venue: Council Chamber, Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4XX
No. | Item | ||||
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2019.
Minutes: Minutes of the meeting on the 5 September 2019 were approved and signed as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Budget monitoring – Revenue & Capital and Treasury Management Lending List PDF 115 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that:-
(a) The revenue budget variations as shown at appendix 1 of the circulated report be approved;
(b) The updated capital programme as shown at appendix 2 of the circulated report be approved; and
(c) The updated lending list as shown at appendix 3 of the circulated report be noted.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources presented the report to identify the principal areas where there were likely to be departures from the approved 2019/20 budget and summarised the likely overall variation based on the information available to the end of August 2019. He brought Members attention to the uncertainties faced by the Council with only having a one year settlement from central government and the unknown changes in business rates retention. He highlighted the savings that the Management Restructure had resulted in and that there had been an increase in the district new business over the last year from 5,000 to 5,300 bringing in additional business rate income.
A non-Executive Member raised a query with regards to the earmarking of the right to buy receipts for new social and affordable housing.
The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services commented that the administration would be looking to earmark right to buy receipts specifically for social and affordable housing.
The Leader reiterated the Executive’s commitment to investment in social and affordable housing.
The Portfolio Holder for Sport, Recreation & Culture proposed the recommendation, this was seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Waste & Environmental Health.
(a) The revenue budget variations as shown at appendix 1 of the circulated report be approved;
(b) The updated capital programme as shown at appendix 2 of the circulated report be approved; and
(c) The updated lending list as shown at appendix 3 of the circulated report be noted.
Teignbridge Local Plan Review and Wolborough Masterplan Timetables PDF 116 KB Decision: RESOLVED that:-
(1) The Local Plan Update be prepared in two parts in order to progress key policies ahead of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan being in place;
(2) The revised timetables for the Teignbridge Local Plan Update Part I and Wolborough Masterplan be agreed; and
(3) Additional budget be made available to fund the costs of statutory plan examination of £30k in 2021/22 and £50K in 2023/24;
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Planning presented the report which proposed that the Teignbridge Local Plan Review Update be separated into two documents and prepared and progressed over two different timetables. Alongside this the Wolborough Masterplan ‘Development Plan Document’ (DPD) would also be the subject of a new timetable, drawing upon new and existing evidence to guide specific development proposals with adoption expected in April 2021.
The Local Plan process will include a high level of consultation including options in early stages. The first of the Local Plan documents would contain revised and new Development Management policies to apply variously across the Teignbridge Local Planning Authority area, with a timetable leading to the expected adoption of the policy document in July 2021.The second part of the Local Plan document which would be informed by the work being carried out under the Council’s ‘duty to cooperate with neighbouring authorities’ through the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan (GESP) would feature reviewed allocations and its timetable would be brought to a future meeting.
The Principal Policy Planner outlined the reasons for the split in the preparation of the plan including the changes in the timetable for the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan.
A non-Executive Member commented on the policies in 3.2 of the circulated report as if they could include social housing and truly affordable housing policies and the scope to sanction under delivery on development.
The Principal Policy Planner clarified that further work would be undertaken on the impact that any policies changes could have on the viability of developments.
During discussion Executive Members raised the need for tighter control of construction management plans; the need to balance the need for affordable housing with any impact that could have on community infrastructure levy (CIL) contributions; and to explore the best way to provide energy efficient affordable housing.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning proposed the recommendation, this was seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Sport, Recreation & Culture.
(1) The Local Plan Update be prepared in two parts in order to progress key policies ahead of the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan being in place;
(2) The revised timetables for the Teignbridge Local Plan Update Part I and Wolborough Masterplan be agreed; and
(3) Additional budget be made available to fund the costs of statutory plan examination of £30k in 2021/22 and £50K in 2023/24.
Local Plan Working Group PDF 73 KB Decision: RESOLVED that a Local Plan Working Group is set up as proposed in the report be approved.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Planning presented the report to establish a Local Plan Working Group consisting of nine members to informally consider and discuss the Teignbridge Local Plan Update. It was anticipated that the work on the Local Plan would be completed by the end of 2022, and would run alongside the joint working on the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan. The Council had clear environmental and living standards aims which it wished to deliver through the update to the Local Plan. There was also a need to deliver employment sites and related infrastructure to aid job creation and productivity. This Group would not have decision making powers and its aim was to improve member involvement in the preparation of the plan.
The Principal Planning Officer clarified that the first meeting of the group would take place on 21 October 2019.
The Leader commented that this Group was part of the consultation exercise and all Members were encouraged to attend the meetings.
It was noted that the Group’s membership was the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change Emergency and Housing and Councillors Haines, Bullivant, Goodman-Bradbury, Daws, L Petherick, Nuttall and Purser.
A non-Executive Member raised concerns that this was an exclusive group; Overview & Scrutiny Committee should be scrutinising the Local Plan; and questioned if the meeting notes would be shared.
Executive Members discussed the merits of this cross party working group, its engagement with all Members and it was acknowledged that the notes of this group would be appended to reports submitted to Committees.
The Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee commented that he was in support of this group and that Overview and Scrutiny could still examine any aspect of the Local Plan should it wish to.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning proposed the recommendation, this was seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Communities & IT.
RESOLVED that a Local Plan Working Group is set up as proposed in the report be approved.
Existing and future planning policies to meet the challenges of climate change PDF 106 KB Decision: RESOLVED that:-
(1) the existing policies of the Local Plan which require a reduction in carbon emissions be noted;
(2) the carbon emissions reduction target in S7 should be read to reflect the new national carbon reduction target which is to achievea reduction in carbon emissions of at least 100% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (equivalent to a 48% reduction between 2017 and 2033);
(3) the existing Teignbridge Local Plan low carbon policies be given an appropriate weight in planning decisions which reflects the council’s climate emergency declaration and the new statutory national carbon reduction target; and
(4) a suite of policies be prepared through an update of the Local Plan to meet Climate Change challenges and be developed in consultation with local experts and interest groups, such as Action on Climate in Teignbridge.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Planning presented the report to make clear what the current provisions were within the local plan for addressing the climate change challenge and to agree that these were given a weight which reflected fully the Council’s declaration of a climate emergency and the new national statutory carbon reduction targets.
The Senior Planning Officer highlighted the three main policies; Carbon Emission Targets – S7; Sustainable Transport - S9; and Carbon Reduction Plans - EN3 that were directly relevant to meeting the climate change challenge. He advised that the implementation of the policies, particularly for Carbon Reduction Plans would require specialist skills which were not currently available in the planning team. Until the appointment of a Climate Change Officer, there would be a requirement for buy-in of expert consultancy support.
A non- Executive Member commented on the need to balance other planning gains when it came to carbon off setting.
The Portfolio Holder for Climate Change Emergency and Housing supported the development of policies to address the climate change emergency. She welcomed the support and engagement from Teignbridge Action Climate Group (ACT).
The Leader commented that there would be engagement with the voluntary sector and the wider community to support the need for the district to address the climate emergency.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning proposed the recommendation, this was seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change Emergency and Housing.
(1) the existing policies of the Local Plan which require a reduction in carbon emissions be noted;
(2) the carbon emissions reduction target in S7 should be read to reflect the new national carbon reduction target which is to achievea reduction in carbon emissions of at least 100% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (equivalent to a 48% reduction between 2017 and 2033);
(3) the existing Teignbridge Local Plan low carbon policies be given an appropriate weight in planning decisions which reflects the council’s climate emergency declaration and the new statutory national carbon reduction target; and
(4) a suite of policies be prepared through an update of the Local Plan to meet Climate Change challenges and be developed in consultation with local experts and interest groups, such as Action on Climate in Teignbridge.
Teignplanning Neighbourhood Planning Consultancy Service PDF 80 KB Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that a chargeable Neighbourhood Planning Service (Teignplanning Consultancy) for non-statutory neighbourhood planning support be established.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Planning presented the report to agree to set up an in-house neighbourhood planning consultancy service, to provide additional neighbourhood planning support for local communities. This would be over and above the statutory support currently provided, which would continue to be available for free.
The Principal Policy Planner clarified that over the last few months, the team (namely Teignplanning) had been piloting an approach to offer additional support for community plans with initial success and commissions to date amounted to an income of £8220. When a statutory assessment was required by the Council on elements of the plan which had been prepared by Teignplanning these would be undertaken by an officer independent of the consultancy service. Initially it was envisaged that Teignplanning would have a limited impact on the team’s capacity although this would need to be considered further if there was future expansion of the programme.
Members supported the chargeable Neighbourhood Planning Service and commented that they had received positive feedback from Town and Parish Councils with regards to the ‘Planning Café’s and advice given on neighbourhood plans.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning proposed the recommendation, this was seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Waste Management & Environmental Health.
RESOLVED that a chargeable Neighbourhood Planning Service (Teignplanning Consultancy) for non-statutory neighbourhood planning support be established.
The Sustainable Procurement Policy and Procedure PDF 70 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that the Sustainable Procurement Policy and Procedure 2019 be endorsed.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources presented the report to provide Members with the final version of the Sustainable Procurement Policy and Procedure (SPP) (2019). This new policy would replace the six policies sitting under the Responsible Procurement Strategy and be reviewed in six months.
The Corporate Procurement Officer clarified that the policy would advise officers on how to consider sustainable procurement whilst also considering environmental sustainability. The Timber Pledge had also been added to the SPP, this was a pledge that the Council would not procure timber and wood derived products at the expenses of the future world’s forests.
Executive Members welcomed that development of the policy and supported the review in six months.
The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources proposed the recommendation, this was seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Sport, Recreation & Culture.
RESOLVED that the Sustainable Procurement Policy and Procedure 2019 be endorsed.
Executive Forward Plan PDF 83 KB To note forthcoming decisions anticipated to be made by the Executive over the next 12 months. Decision: RESOLVED that the Executive Forward Plan be noted.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Executive Forward Plan be noted.
For Information - Financial Wavier
Decision: RESOLVED that the financial wavier information be noted.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the financial wavier information be noted.
Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 - Exclusion of Press and Public RECOMMENDED that, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of items 15 and 16 on the grounds that they involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the relevant paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Decision: RESOLVED that, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items on the grounds that they involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the relevant paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Minutes: The Leader proposed, seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Sport, Recreation and Culture and
RESOLVED that, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the relevant paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Housing Development at East Street and Drake Road Newton Abbot
Decision: RECOMMENDED to Council that:-
(1) Two parcels of land in Teignbridge ownership are developed by the Council as “social” rented affordable housing; and
(2) The use of funds within the Affordable Housing Capital programme are approved to deliver these schemes supported by a bid to Homes England for additional grant funding to make the schemes viable.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Climate Change Emergency and Housing presented the report to obtain approval to develop social rented housing on two parcels of land in the Council ownership in Newton Abbot.
The Housing Enabling and Development Manager advised that the project would result in the best possible social housing and provide the opportunity for down-sizing. In response to Members he clarified that the main criteria was a ‘fabric first’ principle to deliver well designed cost efficient homes.
The Portfolio Holder for Climate Change Emergency and Housing proposed the recommendation, this was seconded by the Portfolio Holder for Planning.
RECOMMENDED to Council that:-
(1) Two parcels of land in Teignbridge ownership are developed by the Council as “social” rented affordable housing; and
(2) The use of funds within the Affordable Housing Capital programme are approved to deliver these schemes supported by a bid to Homes England for additional grant funding to make the schemes viable.
For Information - Urgent Decision Urgent Key Decision: Fuel Poverty.
Consulted Managing Director Portfolio Holder for Climate Change Emergency and Housing The Leader Chairman of Overview & Scrutiny Committee Decision: RESOLVED that the urgent decision be noted.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Climate Change Emergency and Housing commented that this urgent decision was required to address fuel poverty.
RESOLVED that the urgent decision be noted.