Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 (until May 2024) - Monday, 13th September, 2021 11.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4XX. View directions

Contact: Email:  Email:


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 224 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2021.

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The Minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declaration of Interest

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Public Questions

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Councillor Questions

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Executive Forward Plan

To note forthcoming decisions anticipated to be made by the Executive over the next 12 months. The Executive Forward Plan can be found here. 

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The Executive Forward Plan listing items to be considered by the Executive over the next few months was noted.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 237 KB

To review the Committee’s work programme.

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The Committee’s work programme as circulated with the agenda was noted.


Executive Member Biannual Update - Recycling, Household Waste and Environmental Health -Councillor Dewhirst

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The Executive Member for Recycling, Household Waste and Environmental Health, Councillor Dewhirst updated the committee on progress of services within his portfolio.


During his update Councillor Dewhirst thanked staff for their dedication in delivering services, particularly during the pandemic and also referred to the following: 

·       Recycling rates were maintained at 56% despite covid challenges.

·       Garden waste subscriptions have increased to over 25,000 properties generating over £1M of income to support service costs.

·       2020/21 service costs were £54.62 per household for waste collection and £23.37 for street cleansing.

·       The Environment Protection Manage and the Food, Health and Safety Manager leas the Council’s response to the pandemic both for Teignbridge and with Devon County Council.

·       The Recycling, Household Waste and Environmental Health services were running as normal. The services were detailed at the following  links:


The Committee reiterated thanks to all staff.


In response to questions it was noted that: efforts were continuing to increase recycling rates and is the subject of Minute 53 below; and drivers were in short supply which reflected the current national issue. Steps were being made to recruit more drivers and every effort was being made to collect waste on time. 


The full update can be found at:

Agenda for Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 on Monday, 13th September, 2021, 11.00 am - Teignbridge District Council


Recycling Targets pdf icon PDF 156 KB

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Consideration was given to all options detailed in the agenda report regarding additional residual waste bin and side waste policies, and efforts to encourage households to reduce the amount of residual waste. Policies were reasonable and pragmatic and the recycling and waste inspector played a key role in encouraging household to reduce residual waste.


It was proposed and seconded that the recommendation set out in the agenda report be recommended to the Executive for approval.


A role call was taken as follows:


For: Cllrs Jenks, Nutley, Parker, Rollason - 4

Against: Nil

Abstention: Cllrs Clarence, Hocking, Mullone, Parker-Khan, Thorne - 5


The proposal was carried.




1.       That the charge for an additional residual waste bin is increased to £300 per year from April 1st 2022 and is reviewed annually.


2.       That a charge of £42 per 10 sacks is introduced for side waste collections using prepaid bags delivered to service users from April 2022 and is reviewed annually.


3.       That the use of the charged side waste service is restricted to 3 times per year for each property.





PSPO (Control of dogs) Task and Finish Group interim report

Verbal update from Councillor Nutley, Chair of the PSPO Task and Finish Group

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Councillor Nutley as Chair of the PSPO (control of dogs) gave an interim update on the progress of the task and finish group which would be reporting fully to the Committee following its review of the current PSPO Order relating to the control of dogs. The current Order would expire at the end of March 2022.


A public consultation survey was undertaken from July to 6 September 2021. 1457 responses were received. 80% agree with the existing controls and 70% agree with the annual beach restrictions April to September.


The update report was noted.


Voluntary Sector Task and Finish Group pdf icon PDF 205 KB

To consider establishing a Task and Finish Group and approval of the Terms of Reference.

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The Chair referred to the agenda report setting out the terms of reference for this group.


The remit of the T&F Group fulfils the Notice of Motion agreed by Full Council that “The Council look, when restrictions regarding the pandemic are relaxed, at the request that Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider ways in which this Council may work even more constructively with the sector in the future.”

The purpose of the review was to provide more effective finding for the community groups which the Council supported. Reviewing the funding streams to the voluntary sector would also dovetail with the service level agreements with the voluntary sector which would expire March 2022,  clarify how the funding streams and the projects funded support delivery of the Council’s strategic priorities , and look at the potential for new forms of funding such as a Council lottery.  


It was unanimously,




That the report be approved and members for the Group be sought from both Scrutiny Committees.



Council Strategy Performance Monitoring Q1 pdf icon PDF 316 KB

Additional documents:


The Leader as Executive Member for Strategic Direction referred to the agenda report covering the period 1 April to 31 July 2021, which updated performance of the Council’s Strategy 2020-2030 T10 priorities, under the auspices of the Committee. Details of the programmes, projects and performance indicators with a concern or caution status together with an explanation of the performance and improvement plan was detailed in the appendix of the agenda report.


Executive Members responded to questions which included:

·         PI CSCLS3.2 detailed the cost of street cleaning per household. This was high for Q1 each year because it included the cost of any new machinery.

·         PI CSROH02 – an officer comment for this area of concern would be sought and Members advised accordingly.

·         PI CZSH1.9 – the annual carbon footprint report had been delayed because the Climate Change Office had been working on a funding bid application for works to reduce the carbon footprint of the leisure centres and Ford House offices. This bid was successful.

·         CSROH01 –despite planning permission being granted, the number of dwellings being constructed remained low.

·         Members would be advised regarding the position in relation to a Neighbourhood Plan Officer. 




The report be received and actions being taken to rectify performance issues detailed in the agenda report appendix be noted.