Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 (until May 2024) - Tuesday, 29th March, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4XX. View directions

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No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 204 KB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 February 2022

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It was proposed, seconded and




The Minutes of the meeting held on 1 February 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declaration of Interest

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Councillor Mullone declared a personal interest in relation to Minute 93 by virtue of his membership of South West Landlords Association.


Public Questions

Members of the Public may ask questions of the Chair. A maximum period of 15 minutes will be allowed with a maximum period of three minutes per questioner.

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Councillor Questions

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Executive Forward Plan

To note forthcoming decisions anticipated to be made the Executive over the next 12 months. The Executive Forward Plan can be found here.  

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The Executive Forward Plan listing items to be considered by the Executive over the next few months including to which overview and scrutiny committee remit each issue fell, was noted.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To review the Committee’s work programme.


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he Committee’s work programme as circulated with the agenda was noted.


Draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy pdf icon PDF 326 KB

To consider the draft strategy

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The Chair referred to the agenda report. The report sought endorsement for the approach outlined within the draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-2027 noting proposed amendments resulting from consultation.


Consultation was undertaken from December 2021 to February of 2022. Appendix 3 to the report detailed the consultation methodology, outcomes and planned amendments to the strategy.


The Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy sits beneath the Council Strategy, the Local Plan and the Housing Strategy. Local Authorities are legally obliged under the Homelessness Act 2002 (as amended) to update their Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy every five years, and to provide a comprehensive review of homelessness within their area. Following member approval, a final version of this strategy would be published in June of 2022 and will run until 2027.


In response to a question, the Housing Needs Lead advised that: key homelessness indicators were monitored on a quarterly basis; homelessness trends and target key data set was passes to voluntary groups and could be added to the strategy; the strategy was required to have regard to marginal groups and Gypsies and travellers were not being labelled as an entire homeless group; an amendment will be included regarding difficulties in paying rising energy costs and targeting funding to the most vulnerable groups; compare data sets with that of Devon County Council to identify those most in need of assistance in partnership with voluntary groups; and focusing on increasing access to affordable housing.  


It was proposed by the Chair, seconded by Councillor Parker and unanimously,



The Executive adopts the approach outlined in the draft Teignbridge Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-2027, noting the feedback that has been provided via the council’s 5 consultation exercises, which will enable the Council to refine and improve its final version of the strategy which is planned to be publish in June 2022. 


Executive Member Biannual Presentation - Recycling, Household Waste and Environmental Health

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The Executive Member for Recycling, Household Waste and Environmental Health, Councillor Dewhirst updated the committee on progress of services within his portfolio. During his update Councillor Dewhirst thanked staff for their dedication in delivering services, and the update included the following:

        Recycling rate remained at 56% despite challenges posed by Coronavirus and HGV driver shortages.

        Waste tonnage had increased significantly.

        Garden waste subscriptions increased to over 25,000 properties generating over £1M of income to support service costs.

        Recyclable waste was supplied to reprocessors across the UK such as garden waste was processed locally in kingsteignton, food waste to an anaerobic digestions in Holsworthy, and steel cans prepared for resale in North Devon for resale.

        In March 2021 the Executive Committee approved a 10 point plan to increase the district’s recycling rate.

        Currently carrying out a high level review of low carbon fleet vehicle technologies and associated infrastructure requirements using professional support to reduce the council’s carbon footprint. . 

        The environmental health department continue to provide advice and guidance to ensure people are kept safe.

        Over Christmas and New year the team were involved with the first case of Human Avian Flu in Western Europe in Buckfastleigh. Officers worked over the Christmas break and through January and February with col the UK Health Security Agency, and other partnership organisations, and the infection was contained with no onward infection to other humans.

        The emergency planning and business continuity team co-ordinated the Councils response and joined with other emergency services across Devon in multi agency meetings throughout the build up and during the time of storm Eunice.

        The Community Environment Warden Team continue to engage people in the dog walking legislations and areas requiring dogs to be kept on leads, and the misuse of recycling banks, Fixed penalty notices are served on people that continuously offend which is publicised

        The Food, Health and Safety Teamare focused on recovery of the Food Business Inspection Programme in accordance with the Food Standards Agency recovery plan which was keeping the level of foodborne disease low.

        On 1 October 2021 allergen labelling requirements changed and prepacked foods need to have ingredient and allergen information provided on the label.

In the UK, an estimated two million people are living with a diagnosed food allergy and six hundred thousand people with Coeliac Disease.


In response to questions it was noted that: some tetra cartons and other plastics  were being phased out and could be recycled elsewhere such as films at supermarkets; food establishment inspections were risk based depending on the number of food stars; and the council was the waste collection authority and Devon County Council was the food disposal authority.


The full update can be found at: Agenda for Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 on Tuesday, 29th March, 2022, 10.00 am - Teignbridge District Council


Council Strategy Performance Monitoring Q3 pdf icon PDF 254 KB

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The Chair referred to the agenda report covering the period October to December 2021 which updated performance of the Council’s Strategy 2020-2030 T10 priorities, under the auspices of the Committee. Details of the programmes, projects and performance indicators with a concern or caution status together with an explanation of the performance and improvement plan was detailed in the appendix of the agenda report.


In relation to the concern items for additional homes provided, including self-build, affordable housing and wheel chair accessibility the Committee were referred to the officers’ comments in the agenda report appendix.


In response to a question asking if there were any government penalties in relation to housing delivery targets to Committee. The Performance and data Analysist advices he would seek clarification and arrange for Members to be updated following the meeting.




The report be received and actions being taken to rectify performance issues detailed in the agenda report appendix be noted.