Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 (until May 2024) - Tuesday, 26th March, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4XX. View directions


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 89 KB

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It was proposed by Cllr Buscombe, seconded by Cllr Hayes and


RESOLVED The Minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2024 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chair


Declaration of Interest

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Public Questions (if any)

Members of the Public may ask questions of the Chair. A maximum period of 15 minutes will be allowed with a maximum of period of three minutes per questioner. The deadline for questions is no later than three working days before the date of the meeting.

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Councillor Questions (if any)

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Executive Members Biannual Reports

a) Cllr Nuttall - Recycling, Household Waste & Environmental Health

b) Cllr Goodman-Bradbury - Homes and Communities

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a) It was reported that Cllr Nuttall’s update on Recycling, Household Waste & Environmental Health is being deferred until the meeting on 28 May 2024.  A question was raised on whether it was appropriate to defer this report and following a show of hands this was agreed.


b) Cllr Goodman Bradbury was invited to update the Committee on the Homes and Communities Portfolio. 

The presentation contained details on the following:

·         Homeless and Rough Sleepers

·         Number of Households on the Devon Homes Choice register increasing across 1 – 4 bed accommodation with the supply insufficient for demand. There is a particular need for one-bedroom accommodation and perhaps more surprisingly for larger 4 bedroom homes. The key statistic is that there are only 17 one bed homes available for the 551 households that need one

·         There are new and emerging needs for Refugees and Asylum seekers  and Teignbridge has the highest number of Care Leavers  and those with a disability in Devon

·         There is an increase in older population and the number of people requiring adaptations

·         Housing conditions are relatively poor and it is estimated that to bring all of the Category 1 properties up to standard, and therefore available for use, would cost £44m

·         Meeting rural Housing Need. Up to a quarter of housing need is in a rural area including within Dartmoor National Park.  Pictures were shown of recent schemes with 28 rental, shared ownership or intermediate properties completed in Denbury and Christow with our partners, Teign Housing

·         Collaborative working to meet the challenges is ongoing and there is a need to do more.


Full details can be seen in the presentation which can be viewed at the link below


Agenda Overview & Scrutiny 1 26 March 2024


Cllr Hayes proposed that the update be noted, this was seconded by Cllr Buscombe and agreed unanimously by a show of hands


Executive Forward Plan

To note forthcoming decisions anticipated to be made by the Executive over the next 12 months. The Executive Forward Plan can be found here. 

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The Executive Forward Plan listing items to be considered over the next few months was noted.  There were no comments or questions raised by members of the committee or by Members of the Executive


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To review the Committee’s work programme.

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The Committee’s work programme circulated with the Agenda was noted.


The Executive member biannual update for Recycling, Household Waste & Environmental Health from Cllr Nuttall will be deferred until the meeting to be  held on 28 May 2024


South Devon and Dartmoor Community Safety Partnership Annual Review pdf icon PDF 237 KB

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Rebecca Hewitt, the Community Safety and Safeguarding Manager was welcomed to the meeting to talk through the report which was included as part of the Agenda pack.


Questions included the requesting of information about targets and assurances were received that the Local Delivery Plan containing RAG ratings were provided to the Community Safety Partnership on a quarterly basis.


Full details can be viewed at the link below


Agenda Overview & Scrutiny 1 26 March 2024


It was proposed by Cllr Buscombe, seconded by Cllr Hayes and unanimously


RESOLVED to note the report and to provide any questions to be raised at the next Community Safety Partnership Meeting by 18 April 2024


Council Strategy Q3 performance monitoring report pdf icon PDF 242 KB

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The Leader was invited to present the reports covering the period quarter 3 (1 October – 31 December 2023) which updated performance of the Council’s Strategy 2020 - 2030 T10 priorities, under the auspices of the Committee, providing the detailed performance information used to track its delivery.


Members reviewed the performance information and areas where performance was not on track. Details of the programmes, projects and performance indicators with a caution or concern status together with an explanation of the performance and improvement plan was detailed in the appendix of the agenda report. 


8 of the T10 programmes are on track and the remaining two (A roof over our heads and Going to Town) are reported with a caution status.


It was proposed by Cllr Buscombe, seconded by Cllr Hayes and unanimously


RESOLVED to note the report and the actions being taken to rectify performance issues detailed in Appendix A


Feedback on Task and Finish Groups

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Medium Term Financial Plan Task & Finish Group

Cllr Parrott, as vice-chair reported on the recent work of the group which included receiving a presentation on the Modern 25 programme.

The early work of the group had focussed on work relating to the 2024/25 budget and were now developing the work plan to consider areas for review that could influence future budgets including statutory and discretionary service areas


It was proposed by Cllr Buscombe, seconded by Cllr Hayes and RESOLVED to accept the verbal update by a show of hands